Idolize This

Why is it that the possibility that some ex contestant screwed Paula Abdul newsworthy? I’m sure there is more important news to be worried about anyway. There is no reason to be reporting stupid shit like this. My thought is maybe there should be a separate channel just for stupid news like this and we could keep all the real news on the news channels. I don’t need ABC or whoever the fuck it was giving us this exclusive news report about some guy claiming he was banging Abdul. Of course she is denying the whole thing. I am reading shit now saying that she should be removed from the show as a judge and a bunch of shit like that. Why not do America a favor and just cancel the show? Just curiously, why is Paula Abdul selected to be a judge of other peoples singing talent? Didn’t she sing a duet with a rapping cartoon cat back in the early 90’s? Oh I think so. So that song and maybe two others were hits. Now you can’t tell me that she is worthy of telling anyone else that they suck… of course she knows what it’s like to suck; apparently in more ways than one.

I’m not a big Star Wars fan, but it’s getting obvious that the new movie is coming out soon. I notice because there is Star Wars crap all over the stores, it’s all over the Pepsi and Frito shit and anywhere else you can image. Life size cut outs of Darth Vader and Chewbacca and things of that nature. I’m sure somewhere there are a bunch of people that are wasting all of their vacation time, or are currently unemployed sitting outside a theater somewhere waiting for this film to open up. I’ve never understood that. Hey, let’s sit outside a theater for a month waiting for this movie to open. I wouldn’t even wait that long to get laid. So we’ve got all this Star Wars shit loitering in our store that I’d chuck down the chute if I had the chance since all it is doing is cluttering up aisles. In case you didn’t notice it already, I’m not a fan of Star Wars. When you say that people look at you funny like you’ve said something bad about God in church. I get the same looks when I tell people I really don’t like the song Hotel California. Yeah, I’ll listen to it if it’s on, but I surely don’t sing along; maybe you have to be high to like the song, I don’t know.

I got to go to the dentist last Friday. Of course of the three days ending today, Friday was the nicest. I left work at 9am and went there and got back to work around 11am. I hadn’t been to the dentist since 1998 if I remember correctly. I’ve only had two dentists that I remember and both of them I completely hated. The first one was the one that I went through braces hell with. He was an asshole among assholes. The second one I went to because I despised the first one so much and this one ended up being something like the Doc in Back to the Future. Extremely spaced out and no time machine. Trust me, if he had a time machine I would have went back in time and cancelled that fucking appointment. So after the second sucky dentist I stopped going. For about the last year I would keep thinking that it might be a good idea to go to the dentist and get the gross shit off my teeth. It wasn’t living on the street bad, but it wasn’t exactly pretty either. So I finally broke down on my day off last week and started calling around to the dentist’s around town and got an appointment two days later. I went in, got the scraping from hell and was told I had no cavities. I was also commended on having great teeth by the dentist. Honestly, on my paperwork I put down it had been a while since I went to the dentist and had they wanted to be crooked they could have lied and told me I had a few cavities and made a quick buck. It’s nice to have found a good dentist finally. I think I’ll back for another cleaning in six months.

Oh yeah, I finally finished the redesign on my main site last night. I think I should be happy with that for at least another month or two. The nice thing about the CSS layout this time is if I decide to change a few things, I can probably update the entire site in about a half hour unlike before when any site redesign took me a fucking eternity. Now to work on that 3rd Bass site.

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