Well, I put up Valentines on Friday. When I got to work I only had 5 1/2 hours to use before I would hit the dreaded 4-0. My employer does not like us to hit that number and God forbid we would go over it. I left at 3pm which if you’re counting is 6 hours (yeah, I went over by a half an hour). Hey, I had shit to do. I had to get my damn singing hamsters out on the shelves because I’m sure plenty of people wanted desperately to buy them over the weekend.
I was supposed to have an Oneida program starting this weekend and on Thursday it did not show up on our truck. After calling numerous people at the offices I was told that my superiors did not order any for my store. When called on it, it was suddenly called an oversight and we were going to get it on Saturday. Well, I was out of town Saturday and besides I was on overtime as it was, so I sure as hell did not go in there today either. I am hoping it showed up over the weekend but it probably won’t even show up on the truck until tomorrow, if it does at all. That makes tomorrow a wonderful day.
Speaking of tomorrow, you know what else makes it a wonderful day? I now have to mark down all of my Green Bay Packer merchandise. I have pennants, car flags, stickers and all sorts of stupid shit that I now have to lose my ass on because they lost their ass today. Oh well, at least maybe I can clear all of that shit out of my store and hopefully be rid of plenty of merchandise before March when my next inventory is. Mondays are never fun anyway, so hopefully it will be a quick day to say the least. Thankfully I will finally have a short day on Wednesday again. Yes!!!