Independence Day

You know, for a day that we are supposed to celebrate our independence, we all seem to do the exact same shit. Let’s see, what did you do today? Had a cookout, got drunk and lit off some fireworks. Just like everyone else aside from the homeless and the Amish. Pretty independent there Bucky.

Speaking of Independence Day, what is it anyway? Well, it’s America’s Birthday; turning 227 today. What did you buy America? Did you even say Happy Birthday? Shame, shame. May the loud noise of your drunken neighbors shooting off fireworks keep you awake until the wee hours of the morning.

I am currently in the process of updating my 3rd Bass fan page. The style is going to be very similar to this site’s, with the upper menu and other menu’s on the sides of specific pages. Now that I know what I’m doing, it should be done a little quicker than this one was.