It’s Gettin Hot in Here

Another weekend finished. Monday tomorrow. You know the drill, Monday sucks… blah blah blah. Now that we have the technicalities out of the way we can move on to some more serious shit. I was at a restaurant this weekend with my mom and a few other people. On the radio network there were some oldies playing and they (old people) were talking about how this was a good song and it was their favorite back when they were my age. I just shook it off at first, then I started to think about it. When I’m in my 50’s and I’m in a restaurant with my kids or grandkids and they are playing old music, can you imagine what it’s going to be like. Hey kids, hear that, that’s Nelly. Sing it with me… It’s gettin hot in here, so take off all your clothes. Stop crying Billy.

I guess it’s one of the things I think about now that I’ve reached that 30 plateau. Have you ever been flipping through the channels and you wind up on VH1 Classics, and it’s shit you listened to in school? Damn that’s creepy. In my last 30 years I’ve realized a few things that determine if you are old or not. Shit that used to be cool when you were younger has come back as cool once again. Bell bottoms came back a few years ago, but I wasn’t around for the first time, so it didn’t matter, but those people who got it the second time around sure felt it. When something like that comes back, at first you feel really good that a trend has returned. Unfortunately you then realize exactly how old you are to see the second coming. I’ve seen the stupid pants with pockets all over come back, the Rubiks cube, Garbage Pail Kids, those stupid ass snap bracelets, He-man, the Transformers, the fucking Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake and the list goes on and on. Are we so out of ideas that we must recycle this old shit again? At least shit like Spongebob although stupid is original. Now that I think about it, Spongebob is nothing more than a dumbed down version of The Snorks, which was a rip off of The Smurfs. Does it ever end? What’s next, someone gonna come back with Acid Wash Jeans? Let’s pray that doesn’t happen although all it will take is Brittney Spears buying a pair of pants at Goodwill and wearing them on TV, then we’re all fucked.