It’s Over

The big ass reset at work is finally over with. All that’s left is hoping all of the new items I sent into corporate get downloaded. I have been just relaxing yesterday and today because I put in another 60 hour week last week for this reset. It wasn’t a hard job whatsoever; just extremely time consuming on my part. Although a full set of tags were ordered for the reset, there was some sort of problem and quite a few tags didn’t make it and I wound up having to batch and print them. When I say quite a few, I mean over 1,200 of them. The good news was that I was commended on how well I kept up with all of the tags that were missing. Every morning I would go out and check for hand written tags and batch and print them because that was my job, that and I was making time and a half after Wednesday. It’s very nice to get an extra $200 in one week and I really wish I could make that much every week. Of course next week I will be back to the normal grind where all I am doing is my normal job and there will be no room for overtime whatsoever. Isn’t it wonderful?

My new printer arrived on Wednesday. I had gone into work at 3am on Wednesday and I left work around 3pm and went and picked up my new printer at the store. It was around 4:30pm when I finally got home and got everything hooked up so I could start using my printer. I flipped the television on for the hell of it while I hooked up the printer because the instruction manual said not to turn on your computer until told to. Well I flipped on the weather channel because I wanted to see where the hurricane was heading for this time. Well as soon as I turned it on I see the scroll along the bottom of the screen saying we were under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10pm. After a quick inspection of the sky I figured they were full of shit. There were some storms that were over St. Cloud in Minnesota but that’s a good two hours away from here so I had nothing to worry about. I proceeded to hook up my printer and I turned on the computer and tested it out. It printed very nicely, and the colors are awesome, even on pictures. So I’m playing around printing stuff up and I hear what sounds like thunder; which should be impossible since there was only a few little clouds in the sky 20 minutes ago when I looked outside. Apparently the old saying “a storms a brewing” was true that night; not to mention in record time. When I went to the window this time there were dark black clouds north of us and the whole sky was pretty dark as well. I shut my computer and new printer off and turned the TV back on to watch some more weather since now it was going to be affecting us. Within five minutes we were under a severe thunderstorm warning, and the shit hit hard and fast. The wind started whipping and the rain was coming down so fast and a lot of it was horizontal. I thought holy shit this is bad, especially considering that all of the storms in Minnesota were becoming tornadic. Next step up of course was the hail. When I say hail, I’m not talking this little marble sized bullshit that you’re thinking off, I’m talking about baseball size hail. You know, the kind of hail that could fucking kill you if you got hit by it. I had my police scanner on and I got to hear about all of the damage going on, from the police cars having their windshields busted out from the hail to the streets flooding up to waist deep in some locations. It was the weirdest fucking Wednesday I’d had in a long time. Had I mentioned that I had been up since 1:30 in the morning so I could get to work at 3? Let’s just say that I was fucking tired come Thursday morning.

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