Holy shit, when did this happen? Why was I not notified about this shit? I could have sworn it was May just a couple days ago. Damn time flies when you’re having fun. I wonder what’s making it fly now then? Anyway, it’s June and I guess there is nothing that I can do about it. Probably the reason I didn’t realize that it was June was because the weather out there makes me think we are still stuck in April. You know, rainy wet and cold. Just like a bad blind date.
The good news is that tomorrow is my Friday. Friday will be a second Friday then I will have the weekend off as well. The weatherman has decided to change his rain all fucking weekend forecast to Saturday sucks now. That gives me two days of nice weather and one day of shitty weather which I guess means that I will actually have to go outside and do something on at least one of those days. I mowed lawn tonight so I guess that isn’t going to be on my list this weekend.
I’m sick of bitching about the weather, so I’m going to bitch about something else. The child custody case for Bridget Marks’ twin daughters. Ok, here is the condensed version of the story. Bridget has an affair with this rich casino guy named John Aylsworth. Affair is the word because John is married. Bridget gets pregnant with twins and John and his wife urge her to get an abortion. She doesn’t and she lives her life and raises twin daughters on her own. Suddenly John and his wife decide they want custody of the girls. Full custody. Somewhere in here she had accused him of molestation on the girls which was found by a judge to not be true. So now the judge in the custody case has ruled that because she dislikes John so much that the children would be better off living with him. What the fuck? Here is an actual quote from the judge.
“Her unbridled anger toward the father and inability to foster the paternal parental relationship make her ill-suited to be the custodial parent,” said the judge. “To leave the children in her custody would expose them to further emotional damage.”
Well, anyone who saw or read about the transfer of custody yesterday knows that the judge’s decision has already caused enough emotional damage for girls as well as the mother. I don’t think I’m the only one that thinks this is an utter bullshit ruling and will hopefully be reversed as quickly as possible.