Well, which is it?

Well, for being a three day weekend, I didn’t really notice. Oh that’s right, I worked the whole weekend. It’s about time that I work a three day weekend and the weather actually sucks for it. We got rain almost constantly for three days. Of course it was nothing like points south got. They got over 200 tornadoes south of Wisconsin. Much better to just get the rain like we got.

I was wondering something today. 3 Musketeers candy bars. I ate one of the little candy bars today. You know the ones that you buy for trick or treaters and end up eating them all yourself? Yeah, one of those. Anyway if the normal candy bar is a 3 Musketeer, what in the hell is one of those little ones? It certainly isn’t a 3 Musketeer, I’d say more along the lines of a 1 Musketeer.

I still have three days to work until I get my three day weekend. Of course as you would have to assume, the weather sounds like it is going to be shitty. Rain and possibly thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday. Well, what did I expect, it seems that it only rains on the weekends around here anymore, thankfully I do normally get Wednesdays off.