The big dreaded 3-0. Does it matter? Not really. I highly doubt that I will wake up tomorrow with arthritis in all my joints. I guess some would say that this is a milestone in my life, hitting 30. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow with a new sense of the world, actually I think I have that already. Here’s a few things I’ve learned in my 30 years here.
1. Time flies regardless if you are having fun or not.
2. You do miss school.
3. The excitement you have about getting your license and driving, then being old enough to go to a bar…thats about as exciting as it gets.
4. Work sucks ass.
5. 62% of people are assholes.
6. You are the only person that can change your life.
7. Nothing in life is free.
8. Everyone thinks you need to be something to be someone; just be yourself.
9. Keeping track of your daily life on the Internet is kind of cool… you can look back and see what the hell you were doing, because your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be.
10. The older you get, the earlier you go to bed and get up… and naps are a Godsend.
11. The level of presents you get drops off significantly after you get past 16.
12. Your values change dramatically the older you get.
13. You are now the one bitching at the little punks driving around in their cars with their loud rap music playing.
14. Life is like a box of chocolates; sometimes sweet, but most likely will give you the shits.
I’m sure I’ve learned more, but I can’t remember any right now.