Goddamn that DJ made my day

Today is the one year anniversary of the murder of Jam Master Jay from Run-DMC. I’m not too good with memorials and what not, but I do know that without Run-DMC, a lot of my life would be different. I would have never gotten so much into rap if it hadn’t been for them. That means that although I didn’t know Jay at all, he was influential in my life. The best way to sum it up is to send you to a Run DMC site that has become more of a memorial in the last year.

OK, now lets move on to something else. Have you noticed that since Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to be the governor, the state of California is beginning to look more and more like a scene from one of his Terminator movies. You know, I think he’s behind all this. Maybe these fires are all set up and now he is going to run in there after he’s sworn in and take care of all this fire shit. Then he can get on TV and tell everyone that he terminated the wildfires.

Speaking of freaky shit going on in the news, what the hell is the deal with these solar flares? This is from an article I found on Yahoo news today: Kohl, the lead investigator for an instrument aboard NASA’s sun-watching SOHO spacecraft, said the probability of two huge flares aimed directly at Earth coming so close together, as they have this week, was “unprecedented … so low that it is a statistical anomaly.” OK, when the NASA people start getting freaked out, it’s time to move underground. Pack up the kids and dig a hole. They claim that the flares won’t affect humans at all. Apparently you’ve never seen a room full of people that can’t get service on their Cell Phone. It fucks them up, and I don’t want to be in that room.