Sundays suck

It sure feels like Monday today. Why do you ask? Because I had to work today. If you’re in retail like me, today was the dreaded “I” word. Inventory. I was at work from 7 this morning until 4pm. I didn’t take a lunch today either, so that means I have 9 hours in already this week. I only need to work 31 more hours this week to hit my 40. It wasn’t as bad as it probably could have been, but it was still a weekend killer. That brings me to my compensation. I now need to take a day off of work. Let’s see. I can’t take Monday or Thursday off because I have loads on those days, Tuesday and some of Wednesday I will be setting up Christmas. I guess that only leaves one day doesn’t it? Yep, you know it, I’m going to take off Friday this week and enjoy a three day weekend. Why? Why the fuck not?

I was watching TV tonight and saw a commercial for 10-10-987 or some shit. I noticed that the guy pitching it is the guy from Full House. Now granted that really isn’t a big step down going from that shitty show to pitching some shitty telephone service, but come on. The Olsen Twins are some big ass (although half assed) actresses worth a lot and poor Uncle Jesse is stuck pitching cheap phone service to Middle America. The Olsen Twins have their own cartoon. Where is Uncle Jesse’s cartoon, his movies, his millions? I don’t believe I’ve seen the Uncle Jesse action figure selling in the stores yet either. The poor man is on the level of Carrot Top pitching phone services. Actually I think in terms of popularity he is a few notches lower than the Carrot. Oh wait, I almost forgot. He gets to fuck Rebecca Romijn-Stamos whenever he wants to. I’m going to go call someone using 10-10-987 now…