Dodge This

Hey, guess what tomorrow is? It’s Friday for me. I get a three day weekend coming up because I had to waste away my Sunday all day. I guess it all works out in the end. Monday was a pretty good day, at least the first half. Yesterday I had some lady looking for regular Pringles, and when I showed them too her, there was a Lords of the Ring contest on them. I gave her the can and told her they were the original flavor, then as she’s walking away she goes, I hope your right. Well what in the fuck else would they be? They say Original right on the damn can don’t they? What the hell was she thinking, that she’d get them home and they’d be Lord of the Rings flavored? Some people just piss you off.

Yesterday was another fun day, I got to set up Christmas at work Tuesday. Considering that I don’t have all of my stuff in yet, I set up about half of it so far. The remaining stuff should end up coming in tomorrow, although it will sit there until Monday because I won’t have time to fuck with it tomorrow.

The Matrix Revolutions opened today and I can’t wait to see it. I’ve heard mixed reviews so far, but reviews are opinions, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. If anyone knows that, I should. I will be going to the theater soon hopefully to watch it and I’m sure I’ll either bitch about it or praise it. I’m still working on my 3rd Bass pages, which explains the lack of attention I’ve been paying to this site. With my Friday off, I’m hoping to finish it up and get it all uploaded.