In one of the stupidest things I’ve heard of, M&M’s lost their colors a while back. Now suddenly they have them back and we are supposed to give a shit about it. Do you? I know I certainly don’t. Apparently, there was some sort of contest and there were six bags out there that had colors in them and they say that Blue was the final bag of all-one-color M&M’s to be found, from among more than 37 million black-and-white packages in circulation.
37 million bags we went through since New Year’s Eve? We aren’t even half done with March yet people. No wonder we are such a nation of fat fucks. That’s 500,000 bags a day since December 31st.
Now they are coming back with a more colorful version of the candy… because that should really be a deciding factor when you eat something. Hey look at those purty colors… let’s eat ’em.