May my ass

As I sit here we are dipping into the low 30’s. The low 30’s as in fucking winter. This is not what May weather is supposed to feel like; especially considering that it was hot and humid just 24 hours ago. This weather is more and more fucked every day. Hell, I will probably be driving to work in snow tomorrow.

I just changed my site for the umpteenth time, this time with some pretty bold colors. These aren’t my normal dark and grungy colors so it will probably take me a while to get used to them. I do like the outlined look of everything and that is a function that will definitely stay, like around the menu’s. As far as the color I do like them, but honestly, how long do color schemes last on my pages? Three months tops right? Now the only thing I have to do is screw around with this blog and see how to change my colors. That is of course when I am going to have time, which isn’t this weekend.
I have three days in the bookkeeping office this week. Tomorrow and then the weekend as well. That means three days of being to work at 6:45 a.m. Honestly I don’t mind the whole office job thing, I just want a change. I have been sick of work for quite some time now but it has only been recently that I have been looking into ways to change my life around a little bit. Number one is to sell the car, which I am attempting to do still. Number two would be to quit my job once the car is sold and I find a new one in my town. Number three will be looking into some further college because I don’t know how much longer I can do this shit.

  1. Yeah Dave thanks for the props about the colors since I gave you the combo and all so I guess I think it’s hella funny your sitting there freezing ur ass off while it was 80 some degrees here allllllllllllll frickin week! Anyways later Hater!