Now I’m Pissed Off

I made it through Monday after my three day weekend. Monday is usually a bitch, but this time it seemed to be OK… You know, I’ve been writing all this time and haven’t been complaining about anything yet. I think it’s time to start bitching.

Walked into work today and realized that my 24′ of toys were going to be condensed down to 8’…TODAY! I was so glad that nobody let me know this shit in advance because it made my fucking day. That of course means that the shit that I wanted to do didn’t get done, and now tomorrow my early day is fucked as well. The check will be bigger at the end of the week, but I’m in bitch mode so there will be no positive twists on this bullshit. We have a shipper of puzzles coming in and all that the people that ordered them can tell us is that we are going to get 6 free decks of cards with our shipper, and that’s 100% profit. Well big fucking deal, I’m going to make $18 extra, that is if I sell the fucking things. This is just a sampling of the stupidity my company shows every day. I can’t go into detail of their total stupidity because I don’t have that kind of time on my hands.

As long as we’re on the subject of stupidity, there was a lady that came into the store today and wired $10,000 to Canada to some Evangelical bullshit. What in the fuck is that about? What the hell am I doing wasting away in retail when I could be scamming stupid people out of their money? I can think of several things to do with that kind of money, and I don’t think it would have anything to do with religion, although they wouldn’t have to know that. I really can’t figure out why some people are so fucking stupid to believe bullshit stories like that and send money to such obvious scams. Let’s clear up one thing right now. Jesus does not need your money – period. Religion is supposed to be free, but it is ran by man, and like everything else ran by man, it’s corrupt, so let me repeat. Jesus DOES NOT need your MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! End of story.