Patiently waiting for whatever comes next

Well, I see my domain transfer is still in the ass dragging stage, so I guess the move isn’t going to happen quite yet. Stupid fucking domain transfers. I am in the process of splitting my 3rd Bass page into three separate parts for this move. It is looking pretty good so far, hopefully I can debut it within the next week or two, if 100megs gets Yahoo to give that shit up.

I got an email yesterday from some dumbass about cross linking with their site. As you will be able to tell once you read this, it was definitely either computer generated or written by someone with clue fucking zero. I am contacting you about cross linking. I am interested in because it looks like it’s relevant to a site for which I am seeking links. The site is about American white water rafting trips. Our site provides information, which allows visitors to make the most of their white water rafting vacation. Hmmm, let me look around my site quick. Hey, I don?t see a fucking thing on here about White Water Rafting. I have gotten a few of these stupid ass emails since having my site and I just click the delete button when I see that.

Hey, I walked into work on Thursday after taking a day off and found out there was a major reset in the pet aisle. The good part was that I didn’t have to do anything with it; the bad part was that nobody fucking told me or the grocery manager that this was going to be happening. Oh wait, I take that back. One day after the reset was done we got the email telling us that in a short time resets will begin on pet sections?. Well, who in the fuck was sitting on that information up at corporate? I swear that in my company the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? of course I know they’re both jerking off.