Rampant Rantings

It’s possible that the longer I go without a day off the more irritated I get; then again maybe everyone out there is a stupid fucker too. I’m driving around tonight and I see this little skinny fucking kid. I say kid because he was too young to drive and he was too old to be in diapers, so somewhere in between there. Anyway, I see this skinny fucking kid walking down Main Street without a shirt on and his underwear sticking at least three inches over the top of his pants. What the fuck is that about? I know the rappers are doing it, but guess what Chachi; you’re not a rapper. In fact, you’re not even cool. You’re a little wannabe freak and everyone’s laughing their asses off at you. You suck.

These fuckers that are blowing their fireworks off for the last few days are starting to piss me off too. It’s not even July yet you retards. Oooh, look, we’ve got all these explosives laying around and the 4th is still a week away. Let’s blow some shit up tonight. Yeah, let’s blow shit up while the rest of the neighborhood is trying to sleep. There’s a really good idea; wake up and piss off the tired cranky people of the neighborhood. It’s time for those of us who actually fucking work for a living and therefore need the sleep to rise up and take these no job firework blowing off motherfuckers out. You wanna play with bottle rockets, let’s see how you like one shoved up your ass. If the cops are going to show up, might as well make it worth their while.

Had a lady in the store yesterday wanting to return a blood pressure kit. Did she have a receipt you ask? Of course she didn’t. Why would she keep a receipt for something she paid $50 for? The guy returning the dishtowel had his receipt, but then again, he also had a brain. So to make a long story short; lady doesn’t get her money back and instead gets pissed off. Too bad, how sad; fuck her.

You know I’ve always known the company I work for had an intellect somewhere near the capacity of a retarded person, but recently they’ve shown me that with time you can even make Jessica Simpson look intelligent.

Ok, quick briefing in Wisconsin here. Private label aside, we have 3 brands of potato chips in our market. Frito Lay, which is the leader of course. Old Dutch which is the strong second and Barrel of Fun which is the distant third. I say distant third because I don’t want to make it sound bad by saying the only reason they are third is because there is no fourth; too late, I just did. Anyway my company decided that they would take a lucrative offer from Barrel of Fun folks and give them space in the store and remove the Old Dutch product. So we dropped the number two product from our store and put in the number three. Dropped number two as in don’t even sell it anymore. I could see if it was something that people never bought but we sold a shitload of it. Anyone I know that eats potato chips hates the BOF chips because they are horrible. If you were on Fear Factor and had to choose between the cow spleen and the BOF chips; well you’d probably eat the chips but you’d take a few seconds to make up your mind. That’s all I’m saying. The other part of this is the service level. These BOF people were not in our store for a reason. Much like their product, they sucked. The reps wouldn’t show up for a few weeks on end and they would always let the outdates pile up. They always had a shitload of outdates because they never sold the shit. They had close to a 50% return because their sales in our store were so low. Old Dutch never had that high of a stale rate, neither does Frito Lay. Why? Because their product doesn’t suck, and the people running the routes don’t suck… unlike BOF & my company.