If you want a tribute to two years ago, you’re in the wrong place. I was in no way personally affected by the attacks and therefore unlike anyone who was, stand to make nothing off peddling my story to the press for money and cheap tears. So… nothing like that here. You can turn on any channel and watch that drivel today. Myself, I would rather watch my Family Guy DVD’s and at least laugh my ass off.
I now own all three seasons of The Family Guy. Between this show and South Park, I may never stop laughing. I just found out tonight that there is talks of doing a Family Guy Movie that would come out directly on DVD, which would be sweet. I have no idea if that would spell further TV adventures or not, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Apparently the high amount of DVD sales they’ve experienced and the high ratings that Cartoon Network is getting on the reruns has resparked some interest in this show. I saw it a few times back in the days when it was on FOX, but they moved the damn thing around so much, I just lost interest in trying to find the damn thing on TV. Now I don’t have to with the DVDs. Hey, if you like Family Guy, and think the Governer’s Race in California is a joke, then go vote Stewie for Governor.
Holy shit, I set up Halloween yesterday. I think I have less stuff this year than I ever have before. Why, because I felt like ordering less stuff I guess. When you see your shit sit there and lose your ass taking markdowns on it, you start to think that maybe you shouldn’t even carry it in the first place.