Yoko Oh No

What the hell happened? Wasn’t it just Friday afternoon? Now suddenly it is Sunday night and I have to go to work tomorrow. Even my short day is somewhat spent because I’m going to the eye doctor that afternoon. Yep, new specs for my ass; well, actually for my eyes. That might not look good if I wore my glasses on my ass. I think if I would stop doing all kinds of things on the weekend then maybe it wouldn’t go by so fast. What I need to do is get one of those jobs where you only work one or two days a week. What is that called again; welfare?

I started working on a new site for a friend. I have it temporarily up on a subdomain here, but I won’t put up the link because it won’t be here too long I’m sure. It only took an hour to do, but I already redid it again tonight. I guess I am my worst critic. Damn me anyway.

I read a very disturbing headline today: Yoko Ono to go naked for peace. Well, the only good thing about that is she is going to do it in Paris and nowhere near the United States. You know, I have two problems with this. Number one, she’s 70 years old. I don’t even want to see Madonna naked anymore, so how in the hell is some 70 year old wrinkled cooch going to make me think about peace? The only peace I’ll be thinking about is that piece of pizza that just hurdled out of my stomach and is now on the floor with various other stomach remnants. The mass stampede to the doors will not be peaceful, in fact it might get down right ugly. That brings me to problem number two. It’s Yoko Ono. Dear, no one wants to see you naked anymore, OK? Can’t you just sing a song… oh wait, that might be even more painful.