Holy Hurricane Batman

This is my favorite time to watch the news and weather. Why you may ask? Because there is a fucking hurricane out there and every news agency is going to pick one of their low ranked “reporters” and stick their poor asses right in the middle of it. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing a grown up standing outside in pelting rain with their ugly yellow raincoat flapping in the wind trying to talk and not fall down. Who needs comedy when you have this shit? I can’t think of a more demeaning job as a reporter than having to do something like that. You might as well be interviewing circus freaks or something. At least you would stay dry that way, unless one threw up on you.

Today was my short day thankfully. I needed to get out of there early anyway. I got my eye exam today, and ordered up some new specs, so hopefully they will be in by this time next week for me. My contacts seemed fine and the strength is so close to the new prescription that I can just keep wearing these until I totally destroy them. Let’s hope they make it another year.

Made a few changes on the site. I added templates before, but now I’ve got a specific template just for the blogs and I’ve got a slightly new look on the front page. I felt it was looking too much like the blog page so I wanted to differentiate a little bit. The Stewie Link will probably change as I find new and cooler stuff to put up.