Saturday, May 3

Another day, another round of golf. I wish I could say that I was drastically improving, but then again it’s only the second time I’ve played in like 3 years. The last time I played was in the summer of 2000. I’m not exactly sure where all my time went, but I think it was a combination of the pond and the fact that I was so lazy back then. Once I got done working on the pond, I just felt like sleeping or something. Now I’m still doing shit around the pond and golfing. Feels great actually. I’m going out again tomorrow morning also. So far, no real pain either.

I was reading the news online, and um…came across this tidbit. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – More than 100 men and women have gathered in famously liberal San Francisco this weekend for what organizers said was the city’s second annual public “Masturbate-a-Thon”. Now, I’ve never participated in a Masturbate-a-thon, nor had I ever heard of it before today. Apparently it is some type of money raising thing. (San Francisco Masturbate-a-Thons have raised more than $25,000 over the past five years.) Hmmm… Sounds like someone is pulling my chain.