Show Me the Money… Well at Least My Money

Hey, it’s finally time for taxes. About half the population likes that and the other half dread it. I am one of those that get a refund back so I’m more than happy for tax time to roll around so I can get a lump of money directly deposited into my checking account. This year between state and federal I’m getting close to $1,300 back and I’m happy. I’m not sure exactly why I’m so happy considering that I’m not winning the lottery or some jackpot but only getting money back that was mine in the first place that if I had put into a savings instead of “loaning” to the government at least I would have made some interest on.

I guess I’m just happy that even though they felt the need to take that money from me, they at least are giving some of it back… you don’t get that from most thieves. Now of course the important question gets asked… what am I going to do with all of that money? Gee, am I going to buy a new 2005 convertible Mustang? Will I get myself a brand spanking new computer, a new I Pod, perhaps a mail order bride? Well actually it will be none of the above, well with the exception of the I Pod. I am seriously thinking of getting some mega MP3 player although I’m not sure which one I want to go with yet. I like the ones that can also hold and show your pictures and your videos but also cost close to 300 or 400 bucks and then I think why not just spend another 300 and get a fucking laptop computer?

I am also entertaining the idea of getting a couple things for my computer, one is another hard drive so I can get into video editing and not fill up my current drive and the other is a shitload more memory. However, as far as the rest of the money goes, it will all go into savings because that just happens to be the mode that I’m in lately. I want money and that’s all I want. I have a lot of material shit currently and although I don’t really ever plan on selling myself short on stuff, I’m also a hell of a lot more frugal when I’m making my choices. You do realize that the old me would have had a new MP3 player by now, not to mention a digital camera that is around 8 megapixels and perhaps a camcorder as well. I don’t have any of those things though. I still have my digital camera which I believe is somewhere in the area of 2.2 megapixels and I don’t own a camcorder and the MP3 player I do own is not even 1GB.

Maybe if I feel like it I’ll do another blog tomorrow and talk about some work stuff that is going on… maybe; don’t get your hopes up or anything.

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