Snow Job

Well, it’s officially Wisconsin now. Four inches of snow has fallen since this morning. Snow is one of those things that you know it’s inevitable but you still get pissed off when it gets here. It’s like watching your alarm clock in the morning when you have to get up and go to work. You know pretty soon it will be time and you can watch the time slipping by but when it happens you get pretty pissed off. Every winter I get the wild idea in my head that maybe I should move my ass to a warmer climate; that or sell the Mustang. For whatever reason I still drive that car. I don’t like to drive the car in this kind of bullshit, that’s for sure. Unfortunately I never did sell it this summer; otherwise I might be better off.

Another lame day at work today after a day off eating turkey and pumpkin pie. I still don’t understand the concept of Thanksgiving. Of course what I don’t understand more than the day itself is the day after. Who designated the day after Thanksgiving to be the busiest shopping day of the year… Black Friday if you will. Today on my way to work I drove by our mall and a couple of the other larger retailers and checked out all of the idiots that were busy shopping so early in the morning. It’s almost surreal to know that normally on my way to work I see a total of eight cars and today you couldn’t have fit your car into any of those parking lots. I wonder if anyone got trampled going after a DVD player this year? Ah, those were the days weren’t they? I don’t know if I’m a little less greedy lately or what, but when I went through all of the sales this year, I didn’t see anything I even liked or would remotely want. You know what I want for Christmas? I want an IPOD that holds 40GB of music. OK, I know I only have 10GB of music on my computer, but that means that I could load it all up onto the IPOD and be on the go. There is also an attachment that you can listen to your IPOD through your car stereo, which would be tits if you ask me. Of course if I had that then I would probably be paying even less attention to the roads than I do now.

Hey, snow equals shoveling which equals back pain and shoulder pain and quite possibly some time off of work. Well, it’s not that bad; yet anyway. We only got four inches tonight and I’m thinking that we are done for now. I’m still sitting here waiting on El Nino though, and Nino better hurry it’s ass up and make my winter as pleasurable as the spring and summer that we never got. Remember the 30’s in August? That’s right, you owe us in Wisconsin.