Holy shit, the new month has started. You know, I’m having eggs this morning and no matter how much I love them, I can’t get over the morning ritual of making them. I am not easily grossed out, but I have to pull out the rooster jizz before I make them. Maybe it is just a psychological thing, but it still gives me the willies.
So just curiously, where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction at? I don’t believe we’ve found them yet have we? Could it be we just bullshitted our way into a war so we could topple one of the main oil producers? Could be. You know though, maybe they are there and we haven’t found them yet. I highly doubt the Bush Administration could find Waldo, let alone weapons in a foreign country, so I guess we should keep looking. If we don’t really find anything, they can take a hint from the LAPD and just plant some shit there.
I’m in the process of working on a new design for this site, hope to have it up and running by July.