Tuesday, May 27

This month is almost over with already. Where in the hell did it go? I swear it was just May day. We need some sort of a lame ass holiday on the first of June. We have New Years Day in January, Groundhog day on the 2nd of February, April Fool’s Day, and May Day. What about June? I know what you’re thinking, but fuck March. I’m talking about June here, we’re looking forward, not backward. How about holy shit is it hot day? Maybe first day of the monsoon? We need something to get this month off on the right foot. Maybe we could start a national BBQ day. I suppose that would tread on the toes of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day not to mention every Saturday & Sunday in the summer, but dammit at least it would be official.

I was reading in the paper today that NASA is going to hit a comet on July 4, 2005. You can sign up online to have your name put in the craft that is going to hit this comet. Won’t that fucker just disintegrate when it hits? Worse yet, what if there are aliens up there, and now your name is on this rocket that crashed into something of theirs? Anal probes for you!