Thank you Willis Haviland Carrier

Remember how I was bitching not too long ago how it was pretty chilly out for whatever month it was that I was bitching in? Well apparently someone heard me and decided to make it warmer… much warmer. I can handle the heat; it really doesn’t bother me anymore. The humidity on the other hand is a quite annoying. Of course it’s nothing that me, myself and my A/C can’t handle.

My schooling is finally done now, well all except the final exams. I have until July 8th to take those and I probably will on the next day I have off, which may just be tomorrow considering I worked over 8 hours today. I’m extremely happy I took the schooling because I think it has helped me a lot learning Flash and Fireworks. I’m by no means a professional but I think I do pretty well for an amateur with only 6 weeks of learning.

As of yesterday, the Looking Glass Lounge is no more. Although I was only there for roughly a year, maybe a little more, it’s sad to see it go. What did the lounge mean to me, and how the hell did I get there in the first place? I believe I was stumbling through Yahoo Chat and I was actually checking out peoples profiles looking at their web pages to basically get ideas for my own sites and I saw Nola in there and I went to her site (which was at the time) and from there I got to the Lounge. I know I signed up within the next couple days. The Looking Glass Lounge was the first online forum that I ever signed up for and participated in; and yes I’ve been online for almost 10 years now. For whatever reason I signed up and started putting my two cents in whenever I could. I met a lot of different people in there and shortly after coming in I started being a moderator and eventually co-administrator.

At any rate, it’s kind of hard to watch something you took part in go away like that, and I was for the most part just a participant. I know it was hard for Nola to make the decision to shut it down. Some people may say; well you’ve still got your other website (, but honestly that’s like saying sorry your dog died, but you still have the other one. Websites are for the most part unique to themselves, and to have to close down something you’ve put two years of your life into is a harder decision than most people may think it is.
So with that I bid the Lounge farewell, and as far as most of the people from the lounge; see you soon.

Oh, by the way, if you’re wondering who Willis Haviland Carrier is; Google it.

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