Why are customers such pains in the asses? I would think that a customer’s main concern would be to get their shit and get out; not to cause as much ruckus as they possibly can before departing. I have no real specific examples at the moment because I didn’t work today, but you all know what I mean. I got an email the other day at work telling me that I am going to be able to sell New Release DVD’s again. Gee, that’s wonderful news that I didn’t need nor want. You see, here’s the whole problem. Let’s say we are selling a new DVD for $19.99, well our cost is anywhere from $18 to $19.54 for that movie. For a company that wants me to attain and maintain a 45% gross margin, the DVD’s aren’t quite cutting it are they? Never mind the fact that they are a high theft item. Did I mention that before? See, people like to steal the damn things and either watch them or sell them on EBAY. Now I’m not exactly Mr. Lawful here and I’m not extremely loyal to my company, but you don’t steal shit from me. I am not here to support your meth habit that you have developed and now must steal and sell shit to keep up. So what I’m getting to is that about four months ago when I was told that I couldn’t sell New Release DVD’s anymore, we threw away our nice locking rack. So now they come out and say “hey, you can sell DVD’s again at extremely low margins and you have no way to stop the local assholes from stealing them… good luck”. Well, I think I’m going to have to pass on that offer.
Speaking of DVD’s, I bought the new Spiderman 2 yesterday morning. Not from my store of course because we don’t sell DVD’s. Haven’t you been paying attention here? On my way to work yesterday I stopped in at my nemesis Wal Mart and bought it. I didn’t buy it in the morning because I was afraid that they would be out of stock by the evening, but instead because I didn’t feel like wading through the sea of people that I would encounter had I went in the evening. You know the people that think they have to buy presents for others and all that happy shit. That and those that have no life and nothing better to do than hang out at Wal Mart all day. I think they call those people losers, that and cashiers. As far as Spiderman 2 goes, I haven’t watched the DVD yet; I will probably do that later tonight when I get off here. I saw it in the theater when it came out so I already know the story and what not. I do wish I knew why the DVD manufacturers have to make this stupid paper cover that goes over the actual movie sleeve. It’s an exact duplicate of the DVD cover and back cover and it serves no purpose that I can see except to kill more trees. Someone told me it was to prevent theft, which is the equivalent of tying a piece of yarn to your bicycle to stop someone from stealing it. See, if it’s for theft there is a problem here. The actual movie slips right out of the paper case. So if I was going to steal this, all I’d have to do is slip it out of the case, put the movie in my jacket and now put this empty case that from a distance still looks like the movie back on the shelf. Another problem I have is seriously, why is there 10 hours of bonus footage on this disk? Honestly aside from the 2 hours I spend watching the actual movie, I might check out 20 minutes. Deleted scenes and outtakes are about all I really care about. Oh well, off to watch a movie… who made the popcorn?
Oh, and in case you’re either retarded or don’t own a calendar; it’s December.