Tuesday, July 8

Another day another dollar as the saying goes. I think it should be another day another headache as that seems to be the way it’s been going lately. Nobody won the Powerball Saturday night, so I’ve still got a chance. A one in 120,526,770 chance. So I guess I won’t be quitting that job just quite yet. I have won $7 on the last two times I played, so maybe my luck is finally warming up. Of course that was probably all the luck I’ll have on the lottery.

Not a whole lot going on other than that. Now that the 4th is over, things seem to be getting a little more normal around here. Asshole neighbors aren’t blowing off fireworks and shit like that now. The weather is back to comfortable again. It was so damn hot and humid over the weekend I thought I was in Florida or something. In case you thought I wouldn’t bitch about the heat, just remember, I bitch about everything. That’s my job.

I saw 8 Mile and Old School this weekend. I think they both will be added to my DVD collection pretty soon.