Short day tomorrow, and I’m off on Thursday. Sounds pretty good to me. I have to go to the DMV tomorrow and get my stickers for my license plate so I can legally drive around for another year. I haven’t figured out why I need to pay almost $50 every year just to drive MY car around. Isn’t this supposed to fix the bad roads and shit? Haven’t seen it yet, they did build a new DMV building a couple years ago, maybe that’s where all the money went to.
I’ve already started selling “support the military” shirts in our store. Didn’t even take them a week to get that shit in. Everyone is asking who the proceeds go to, and I have no idea. I guess us. At least when the September 11th shirts came in, proceeds benefited the victims and stuff, but no clue with this. It would be nice if they would go to the families that are going to lose family members over there, but it won’t. Maybe it could help take care of the billions of dollars we don’t have that is paying for this war.