Holy shit, three days in a row of blogging. That hasn’t happened since the last time I did that. I see they raised the terror threat again today. Guess that means the Bush Administration wants to invade another country and needs a distraction to get us simpletons diverted. I am trying to decide on which country we will go after next. I’m guessing Iran.
It is hella cold out tonight. We actually have freeze warnings out for the night. What kind of bullshit is that. It’s a little fucking late in the year to decide to freeze now. That should be against some sort of Nature law or something. Fucking Wisconsin.
As you can tell, I’ve done another facelift to this front page. I am searching for some templates to work on, but everything seems to either cost money or suck. I will have to just keep working on it. Maybe I will start on a Macromedia Flash design. That would be cool.