Ok, it is my first day with my brand new high tech, state of the art GSM cellular phone. It has cool games on it like bowling and I can go online if I want with it, and I can even use my existing instant messengers. I’m told you can also call up and talk to other people on it as well, amazing shit this technology. I do have one complaint for my new phone in this ultra hi-tech world. Why can’t it just fucking ring? It doesn’t ring, it fucking sings, and I don’t need a phone that sings; I need one that fucking rings. I was out and about today and it ‘rang’, and I didn’t even notice it. I heard some odd melody playing and just thought it was some crappy music being played at the store I was in. It wasn’t until later that I looked at my phone and realized that I had one missed call. So I went through all the ring tones looking for one that possibly resembled an actual ringing of the phone. Well, of the 20 or so tones in my phone, a ring sound isn’t one of them. I can however have the Mexican Hat Dance or the Chicken Dance as my ring if I want, but of course, no ring. I guess if you want to know what my phone is, it is a Gameboy that was made smaller and had some phone capabilities stuck in with it.
In other news, I went out and bought a new pair of shoes. I have been putting that off for quite some time, even though my old ones look like a mouse got in them and took parts to build a nest somewhere. Funny how I can put off something like shoes but a new cell phone… sign me up! I didn’t go the fancy multi-colored tennis shoes this time around like I normally do either. I went for function today. Damn, I must be getting old. I never do that, grey hair check: SHIT.