Who Let August in Here?

You know I’ve been planning on redoing my picture sections on my websites for a while now, with either a new format or maybe even using Flash, I just haven’t had much time to do so. I’ve had so much shit thrown in my lap I don’t know what to do. Unfortunately the stuff thrown in my lap wasn’t scantily clad women in need of dollar bills being stuffed into their g-strings or anything like that, it was more like work. Hey, not that kind of work, I mean non paying shit. I’m talking like fix it up projects around the home and shit of that nature. Painting and paneling and floor laying and all kinds of good shit. Damn, I’m getting tired just writing about it, so I think I’ll change the subject.

I was going to write another blog last week and then the bridge in Minneapolis collapsed and I ended up glued to the television for an extremely long time watching the around the clock coverage of that. Now I personally am not afraid of going over bridges thankfully, but after watching that I do think a little more about it when I’m on one now. I actually read about the collapse online on KSTP’s website before I even turned on the TV. I was checking local news and whatnot while I was on here and then when I clicked on their website that was the top story so I figured shit it must be on television, which it was. Watching shit like that on a movie and then seeing it on the news and knowing it is real gives you a totally different feeling. Obviously you think, wow, what if it was me on there, and other things go through your mind, like planning your route to work tomorrow without crossing a bridge.

Hey, guess what else is going on, it’s fucking hot outside. Now obviously we’re only in the mid 80’s to low 90’s with some humidity and not going through the triple digits that are hitting south of here, but dammit, that’s hot to me. I do remember a few years back going to Arkansas though and it was in the 100’s every day down there… because apparently I needed another reason to think that Arkansas sucked.

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