That’s right, I get to work tomorrow. I know what you’re thinking; poor Dave has to work on a Saturday. Seriously though, I think this is probably my third Saturday that I’ve worked since starting there and I’ve been there over a year. Compare that to the every Saturday I worked at my old job and I’d say I’m good; plus tomorrow is pure overtime.
I see they released Dr. Jack Kevorkian from jail today. Well I see no reason for Jack to be sitting on his duff when there are problems out there that need to be solved. I say the first thing we do is send Jack over to Hollywood to handle the party bitches. You know, the Lindsey’s and Paris’ and Britney’s. I’d give the girls a good chance at rehab and if not, then it’s time to go see the doctor. That’d solve my stupid news I have to watch all the time.
Holy shit, June just kind of snuck in there didn’t it? It was just May and now I look at my calendar and it’s June. Well, my calendar still says May because I’m a lazy bastard, but my computer says it’s June and if the music and porn box says it’s June, then it must be. I ordered my new car stereo last night and will hopefully have it by midweek so I can install it and start enjoying a shitload of music in the car. My first task will be to burn all of the Beastie Boy CD’s to one mp3 CD so I have the entire catalog in my car at all times. I still haven’t ordered the other shit for my car, but I am sure I will since I am getting my tuition reimbursement check on Monday.