Tuesday, May 6

Ahhh, it’s almost like Friday. That’s because I won’t be at my lame-ass job tomorrow. Nope, I’ll be on the golf course for a couple rounds of golf. That’s always better than going to work. I’m off Friday also, but it seems to me that it wants to rain that day. Oh well, I guess I will just hang around indoors that day. Still beats fucking working.

What the fuck is up with the weather lately? 83 tornadoes in one day Sunday? Damn. That is one of those things that I am so fascinated by, yet it scares the shit out of me. I’ve always wanted to see one in person, but I would probably shit my pants in reality. I can’t get enough of them, whenever I see them on the news or see the specials on TLC or TWC I have to watch.

I read that some DJ’s got suspended because they played the Dixie Chicks on their station. What the fuck? How fucking anal are we in this country? Why don’t you just not eat some fucking french fries while you’re not listening to the Dixie Chicks. Not liking the president isn’t a crime. I don’t like him, I didn’t vote for him. As a matter of fact, I don’t like the Dixie Chicks either. It has nothing to do with their opinions on George, it’s the fact that I think they suck. Does that make me bad? Nope, that’s called my opinion and because I am an American, I have the right to say shit like that. And just to go on the record, I like French Fries and French Toast. I even like French’s Mustard you fuckwads.

Sunday, May 4

It’s Sunday and like a lot of people do, I got up early for the morning ritual. No not church, golf. From yesterday to today I cut 13 hits off my score. It’s still a pretty high score, but a definite improvement over yesterday. I keep thinking about how I have to go to work tomorrow, but I keep forgetting that it’s only for two days, then one day off, one day on, three off! Of course I took those days off to do a little golfing. If it rains, then I will play pool or bowl, depending on the mood.

I am starting to see cheap prices on computer components and am seriously thinking about upgrading this old beast to keep up with what I want to do. I think I will try to upgrade this one and try to get it to last another two years, and then I will buy a new one then. I’m looking at throwing a 256MB chip in here for more memory and another harddrive. There is an 80GB drive available for only $60. Other than that, I would like to upgrade the processor also. A DVD burner would be nice, but is not needed yet. When I do buy new, I am thinking about a laptop and then keep this one on hand for my backup.

Saturday, May 3

Another day, another round of golf. I wish I could say that I was drastically improving, but then again it’s only the second time I’ve played in like 3 years. The last time I played was in the summer of 2000. I’m not exactly sure where all my time went, but I think it was a combination of the pond and the fact that I was so lazy back then. Once I got done working on the pond, I just felt like sleeping or something. Now I’m still doing shit around the pond and golfing. Feels great actually. I’m going out again tomorrow morning also. So far, no real pain either.

I was reading the news online, and um…came across this tidbit. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – More than 100 men and women have gathered in famously liberal San Francisco this weekend for what organizers said was the city’s second annual public “Masturbate-a-Thon”. Now, I’ve never participated in a Masturbate-a-thon, nor had I ever heard of it before today. Apparently it is some type of money raising thing. (San Francisco Masturbate-a-Thons have raised more than $25,000 over the past five years.) Hmmm… Sounds like someone is pulling my chain.

Thursday, May 1

It’s May 1st. That means it’s May Day. Apparently somewhere in time, people used to make little baskets and put them on other people’s doorsteps. I wish I had known that before I called in the terrorism bomb squad to detonate that strange package on my front steps. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

Tomorrow is Friday. I am planning on going golfing on either Saturday or Sunday, or hell maybe both. I am taking off two days of work next week. Instead of a short day on Wednesday, I’ll just not be there, then I am also taking off Friday. Three day week followed by a three day weekend. I love my job-when I’m not there.

I am working on new lighter pages for my links. I will hopefully have the gripes, humor and picture pages redone soon. I am getting rid of the graphical stuff and going with a slightly simpler style. I’ll have to see how fast those load then.