Goddamn that DJ made my day

Today is the one year anniversary of the murder of Jam Master Jay from Run-DMC. I’m not too good with memorials and what not, but I do know that without Run-DMC, a lot of my life would be different. I would have never gotten so much into rap if it hadn’t been for them. That means that although I didn’t know Jay at all, he was influential in my life. The best way to sum it up is to send you to a Run DMC site that has become more of a memorial in the last year.

OK, now lets move on to something else. Have you noticed that since Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to be the governor, the state of California is beginning to look more and more like a scene from one of his Terminator movies. You know, I think he’s behind all this. Maybe these fires are all set up and now he is going to run in there after he’s sworn in and take care of all this fire shit. Then he can get on TV and tell everyone that he terminated the wildfires.

Speaking of freaky shit going on in the news, what the hell is the deal with these solar flares? This is from an article I found on Yahoo news today: Kohl, the lead investigator for an instrument aboard NASA’s sun-watching SOHO spacecraft, said the probability of two huge flares aimed directly at Earth coming so close together, as they have this week, was “unprecedented … so low that it is a statistical anomaly.” OK, when the NASA people start getting freaked out, it’s time to move underground. Pack up the kids and dig a hole. They claim that the flares won’t affect humans at all. Apparently you’ve never seen a room full of people that can’t get service on their Cell Phone. It fucks them up, and I don’t want to be in that room.

Last day to be 29

The big dreaded 3-0. Does it matter? Not really. I highly doubt that I will wake up tomorrow with arthritis in all my joints. I guess some would say that this is a milestone in my life, hitting 30. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow with a new sense of the world, actually I think I have that already. Here’s a few things I’ve learned in my 30 years here.

1. Time flies regardless if you are having fun or not.
2. You do miss school.
3. The excitement you have about getting your license and driving, then being old enough to go to a bar…thats about as exciting as it gets.
4. Work sucks ass.
5. 62% of people are assholes.
6. You are the only person that can change your life.
7. Nothing in life is free.
8. Everyone thinks you need to be something to be someone; just be yourself.
9. Keeping track of your daily life on the Internet is kind of cool… you can look back and see what the hell you were doing, because your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be.
10. The older you get, the earlier you go to bed and get up… and naps are a Godsend.
11. The level of presents you get drops off significantly after you get past 16.
12. Your values change dramatically the older you get.
13. You are now the one bitching at the little punks driving around in their cars with their loud rap music playing.
14. Life is like a box of chocolates; sometimes sweet, but most likely will give you the shits.

I’m sure I’ve learned more, but I can’t remember any right now.

You got the White Stuff

It’s a wonderful Monday of going back to work. It actually wasn’t quite as bad as I had thought it would wind up being. I guess it isn’t that hard to get back into the grind after relaxing for a week or so.
About 5 tonight we got our first snow fall of the year. I don’t think it will be sticking to the ground too much, but just the fact that it’s snowing pisses me off. In case you didn’t really figure this out, I fucking hate the winter. Every bit of it, the cold, the snow, the shoveling, the having to dress in layers, all that bullshit. Plain and simply hate it. I could move to California maybe, instead of snow, they just have shit burning down to the ground. Those must be some nasty ass fires out there. Hey, at least its not snowing you fuckers.

I saw Windows are preparing to unleash a new operating system on the world. The codename is Longhorn, although that probably won’t be the final name. I am actually pleased with XP, although I can’t really say the same for any of the old OS they put out. 95 & 98 were somewhat ok, but ME totally sucked ass and crashed constantly for me. I think this time I won’t waste my money on a new system until it proves itself. I have been Microsoft’s little bitch in the past always buying their new systems as soon as they come out, but I think I will kick back and see how they fare before dropping any cash on them.

It’s Official… get off my lawn you bastards

It’s my first official day being 30. Luckily nothing too bad happened to me now that I’m old. I went to the casino tonight and got my lame ass $5 of free quarters. I of course came out with the same thing I always do when I go to the casino. Dirty hands and empty pockets. I guess it wasn’t my lucky night. I was hoping to win the Powerball so I could quit my job and retire at 30. No such luck.

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things that have changed since I was a child. As I look around I see many things that have changed. TV is a big one. I remember we used to get 2 channels, and one of them was PBS. We had a big ass antenna and a dial on top of the TV. The TV was nothing small either. It was a floor console and it had dials on it. Dials that you had to get up off your ass and change the channels. Pac Man was the hottest game you could play. There were so many things that were different back then, I guess I could probably write a book or something. Yeah, write a book and make some money. I could make 10 million dollars.

Feels Like Friday

Is it Monday or is it Friday? I know I worked today, but I don’t tomorrow. Now I’m confused. Oh wait, that’s right, I took the rest of the week off. The weather might actually cooperate with me while I’m off this year. Last year I took off my birthday week and it fucking snowed. That’s right, it fucking snowed. I think we got somewhere in the neighborhood of 8″ of snow last year. The hell with last year, this year we are going to be in the 60’s at least. I can deal with that. I might even hit the driving range for old times sake.

I see John Allen Muhammad; the sniper suspect has decided to defend himself. Why do they even have trials for shit like this? They found the gun in the car, they were linked to so many different places where these shootings took place, and now he is going to defend himself. Let’s see, the shootings stopped after they were arrested? They found the gun that matches the bullets in their car? I don’t even see a reason for the trial, except to waste even more taxpayer money and for some entertainment value. Just think, last year I was watching this shit unfold live on television, and this year I can watch the dumb bastard defend himself on live TV. Much like the movies of the summer, it’s another worthless sequel.

Goddamn Leaves

Hey… they are done. That’s right, spent most of the day cleaning up leaves. I still think it is stupid. I think a chainsaw would solve the problem and make fall next year much smoother. We raked and mulched and managed to get about twenty 40 gallon bags filled up. What a waste of time. I started the lovely task around 10 this morning and it wasn’t finished until 2 or so. I guess that wasn’t the entire day, but it took long enough to fuck it up. After the whole ordeal and looking at this computer screen so much in the last few days, I think I’m going to just take it easy and relax tonight. I might even just kick back and watch a movie.

As I briefly mentioned on the Thursday, I redid the page. I think I’m finally happy with it. I finished it up this morning before my leaf cleaning experience. I decided to go ahead and put frames on it. It is a very basic design, but was a new experience for me. I had toyed around with frames before, but didn’t really know exactly the best way to work with them. As of now, there isn’t much more I plan on doing with the page, I’m somewhat happy with the layout and design, so I might layoff it for a while. I might play around with the 3rd Bass page a little.

A New Day

I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. This has been a long week for some reason. I think it is just because I am taking off most of next week and I’m anxious to not work. I wonder what I am going to watch on TV when I’m off. Last year I took my birthday week off and I got to watch round the clock coverage of the sniper from DC. I think I will end up working almost a whole day tomorrow too. At least I will be off the weekend, and then I will go back Monday for a day and have the rest of the week off. I can handle that.

I see that Caterpillar company is suing Disney trying to stop the movie George of the Jungle 2 from coming out. Why you might ask? Because they feel it depicts Caterpillar in a negative way in the movie for children. Let me ask you this, what in the fuck does a kid care how a company is depicted anyway? Will little Johnny not grow up to work in construction now? Apparently the plot (I use that word lightly) of the movie is a developer is going to tear down the rainforest and George has to save it. Of course they are using Caterpillar dozers and stuff to do this, because let’s face it, a Buick won’t cut it when you are tearing down trees. So all this leads us to a lawsuit for some reason. I am so sick of everyone being so sue happy these days. What is going to be next, will Mc Donalds sue someone because a fat person ate their food in a movie and it’s projecting a negative image of their product? Luckily for Caterpillar anyone who actually watches George of the Jungle 2 is probably not mentally capable of using their machinery anyway.
Oh yeah, I changed the page again.

That a bedspread in your pocket?

I survived Monday, hell Tuesday too. Tomorrow is my half day, and I think I might actually have to get my ass outside and do something about the leaf problem. You would think that we could have genetically engineered trees that either don’t lose their leaves, or whose leaves would decompose at an alarming rate. Nope, the damn scientists are too busy trying to clone sheep or some shit. I need someone to work on this pronto. I’m sure we’d put the rake people out of business, but come on. Who doesn’t already own a fucking rake? It would suck a little while for them, but in the long run it would be better off for all. Then again, I might say fuck it until all the leaves are off the tree. I live next to old retired men who apparently have nothing better going on in their lives except cleaning up the leaves. Every night their yards are cleaned up, and every morning they are filled back up. It almost makes me want to set a large fan up in my yard and blow all my leaves into their yard. Hmmm… must get large fan.

I read that Smith & Wesson are going to start marketing home decor, clothing and jewelry just in time for Christmas. Are they trying to capitalize on Martha Stewart or something? Would you buy clothing from the same people that make your guns? I’ve heard of people using their Smith & Wesson to get jewelry from someone, but now you’re going to be wearing it from S & W too. It’s like Mitsubishi, I had a cell phone from them once and I saw a car with the same logo as my phone and I thought…that’s fucked up. First off, the phone sucked major ass, and if they can’t get that right, I wouldn’t even want to ride in the poor excuse for a vehicle. I think companies should just stick to what they make and leave the other shit to the other people. Whats next, is Hanes going to start marketing weapons? The only thing positive to come out of this will be the fun at the airport when someone says something about your favorite shirt and you say I’ve got my Smith & Wesson packed. Just to watch security pounce someone for that will be worth it.

It’s September 10th

Do you know what is one of the more annoying things I’ve had in my life? A daily calendar. I have one that sits arms length away from me on the desk, and as I look at it today, it is showing me a date of September 10. It’s not like its completely out of reach for me to just yank off the old days and throw them away, it’s more of a principle of the whole matter. Just because the day changed doesn’t mean I should have to tear another page off the calendar. When I used to have a wall calendar, it would sometimes be July before I turned the pages from March. Unfortunately that means I will never be Father Time when I get older, because I don’t keep it to well. The other calendar I have now is a desk pad which shows two months at a time. I can deal with that a little easier because it is lower maintenance than the daily calendar which I will probably rip 30 days from as soon as I’m done writing this; if I feel like it.

I have added three more categories to the tips page. A Job Hunting, a Stress Relief and a Golfing Tips page. I think I will take a little break from adding new content now, however I am looking at putting frames on the pages so you don’t have to scroll all the way back up when you are done reading. That won’t be anything that happens in the next few days though.

Word to the Third

It was my day off today. Unfortunately I didn’t really do anything all that great or exciting. The only real good thing is that I have to work tomorrow and then it is the weekend. Other than that, I have nothing to look forward to tomorrow.

When I look at the site stats for this page, I have noticed that there is a lot of people visiting that I don’t know about. I get to see what they typed in the search engine to find it, and what browser they are using, among some other stats. I just went through the entire site tonight and did some minor revamping. I changed up my lists, and gave them all header paragraphs to explain them a little better.

Speaking of my page, I have been getting some extra traffic over at my 3rd Bass site lately. I have been getting emails from different people letting me know that they really appreciate that someone out there put a site up for them. Honestly, the only reason I put the page up in the first place was to play with another page. I didn’t think it would become a 3rd Bass shrine, but I think it’s pretty damn cool. It makes me want to do more on the page, like try and get some interviews from the group and stuff like that. I am working on paper for a slight site redesign over there, although I really don’t have any new content to put up. I am happy with this sites new look, so I will probably leave it alone for a while and concentrate on that page.

Don’t Call Us, We Won’t Call You

I don’t even have a short day to look forward to tomorrow. I am going to take off Thursday all day, so instead of wasting vacation time on that day, I am going to just work my ass off this week and make up for it that way. Why? Because I’m saving my vacation so I can actually take a few days off in a row. I am going to take my Birthday week off again this year. I will work Monday that week, then I will take the remaining days off and enjoy myself…as I turn 29 + 1. Mother fucker.

In case you’ve never been here or seemed to not notice, I’ve changed the look again. As far as the design itself, I guess I like it. The functionality is better than what I’ve done in the past, I just need to get a few more tricks up my sleeve. This is the first time my links haven’t been images. I used CSS to do all the links, so they are just typing, but they still highlight. I seriously need to take a few classes for this, because I truly enjoy doing it, I just don’t have the experience to do great things… yet.

I see the national do no call list is back in effect now. I don’t even have a land line phone anymore, but I was still able to sign up. Hopefully it will keep people from calling my ass on my cell trying to sell me shit. I got so sick of telemarketers when they used to call me up. Half the time they couldn’t even pronounce my name, and the other half they didn’t even have a grasp on the English language. “wood yoow wike to bwuy …” No I wouldn’t, and by the way.. fuck off.

Oh Roy

It’s Sunday, that means back to work tomorrow. Wait a minute, I had to go to work today. Why in the fuck did I do that on a Sunday? I don’t really know yet, but it will buy me a little time off at some point during the week, that’s for sure. Supposedly there were some big wigs stopping by and I had to go in and make sure everything was ready for them. The bad part is that they never really show up anyway. They say they’re going to come visit the store, but they never do.

It’s going to be warm next week. They are saying highs in the middle 70’s. That’s fucking shorts weather after going through highs only in the 40’s and 50’s for a couple of weeks. Too bad it’s not going to get even warmer out, I always like it when the weather does some fucked up stuff that baffles the local weatherman. Just to watch him side step and try to explain something he has no real clue of amuses me.

I saw on the news that Roy of the wonder duo Siegfried & Roy was attacked by one of their tigers live on stage. That would have been worth the price of admission alone. I can see it now reenacted on FOX’s When Animals Attack. Actually they don’t need to reenact it, because it was probably being taped. If not on FOX, then on Real TV. I suppose that’s the first time he was unwillingly mauled by a male. Tiger that is.