A Bad Case of Blogaritis

I don’t know what the fuck that means either, so don’t ask me. I was thinking wow, I just wrote a blog and then I look and it’s been 11 days since I did that. My how time flies when you’re constantly busy, not to mention you don’t really have shit to say in a blog.

Let’s see, I used to always bitch about the weather but that gets old… lets see, between the months of October and March he’ll bitch about it being cold and snowy, and between the months of April and September he’ll bitch about it being hot and humid. I just feel like I start sounding like a broken record which is why I’ve tried to avoid bitching about that aspect of life.

My other old standby to bitch about was my retail job in a grocery store; well guess what, that’s gone and so is more exciting content for the blog. I no longer have the antagonizing life of a retail slave to drive me to write bad stuff. The other thing about work is that so far there really haven’t been any bad points to the new job. It is an accounting position so I won’t lie and say that there aren’t times that I could probably spend time better by watching paint dry or sorting my sock drawer, but for the most part everything is going smoothly.

I will tell you one thing though; ever since I started there, the closest men’s bathroom to my cubical has had a faulty urinal which sometimes keeps flushing long after you have released the little handle. The urinal isn’t one of those full wall things, it’s the half one that hangs on the wall about penis distance from the floor, which is handy because that’s the part of the body it’s for. Trust me, maintenance doesn’t appreciate people shitting in there… or so I’ve heard. Anyway, last Monday I went in and someone was in the stall obviously shitting because most men don’t sit to piss, and the urinal is close to the toilet, in fact right outside of the little metal privacy barrier. So I do my thing and I flush the urinal and then I make the mistake of sticking around to wash my hands. You guessed it, urinal didn’t stop flushing, and then in waterfall fashion it started spilling over the top onto the floor. All I could think about was – I gotta get the fuck out of here before the guy with the soon to be wet ankles sees who I am. So I rush out of there and let maintenance know that there is a problem with the urinal and get my ass back to my desk pronto so I can pretend to not have had any part in that fiasco.

So that was one of the days, which I wouldn’t call a bad day… I wasn’t the one sitting in the flooding bathroom, I got out. I suppose if I wanted to bitch about something I could piss and moan about my online schooling but then again, that really isn’t going too horribly bad either.

Holy shit, am I becoming un-disgruntled?

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