Independence Day

You know, for a day that we are supposed to celebrate our independence, we all seem to do the exact same shit. Let’s see, what did you do today? Had a cookout, got drunk and lit off some fireworks. Just like everyone else aside from the homeless and the Amish. Pretty independent there Bucky.

Speaking of Independence Day, what is it anyway? Well, it’s America’s Birthday; turning 227 today. What did you buy America? Did you even say Happy Birthday? Shame, shame. May the loud noise of your drunken neighbors shooting off fireworks keep you awake until the wee hours of the morning.

I am currently in the process of updating my 3rd Bass fan page. The style is going to be very similar to this site’s, with the upper menu and other menu’s on the sides of specific pages. Now that I know what I’m doing, it should be done a little quicker than this one was.

Thursday, July 3

Whoa, tomorrow is the 4th of July already. Who can believe that shit. Well, I can because my stupid fucking neighbor seems to think he should be blowing off some of his fireworks tonight. Speaking of fireworks, what the hell is up with these firework explosions? Not my dumbass neighbor, I mean the shit in Florida with the truck that exploded and killed five people and now a warehouse in Texas blew the hell up and three are missing. I guess there’s another profession I won’t be going into.

I can’t fucking believe that we are one day away from July 4th and our terror level hasn’t been raised yet. Usually we raise that for every holiday. Maybe they are finally tired of crying wolf. Usually they do that shit to scare us out of having fun or something. It could be that they just figure with these two explosions going on that we will be too scared to do anything. Add in the porch collapse in Illinois and you’ve got some paranoid party goers. Who needs a terror warning when you’ve got people scared to go outside already?

Wednesday, July 2

Not a whole lot of anything going on today. It’s almost midnight and I’ve finally finished my page. Hopefully it was worth the two weeks or so of time that I put into it. I like the new look. I can even handle the new color scheme as well. Hopefully all the links will work, considering that I’m done a couple of days ahead of my schedule.

I am just itching for tomorrow so I can be done with work for three days. It seems these four-day weeks drag a lot faster than the five-day ones, but who knows. I am so sick of being there, that could be the problem. If I could think straight I’d actually write more, but all I’m thinking about is sleep.

Tuesday, July 1

Wow, first of July already. I haven’t been updating the blog at all. Been too busy. Too fucking busy. Had company up here from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, so there went the weekend. I did manage to get on the computer off and on over the weekend and put together a rather snazzy new look for the site. I am still working on eight pages so it probably won’t be up until this weekend, but it is looking pretty nice to me. Hopefully it will load up quicker than the old site used to. I have a new menu system on there which is on every one of the main pages, and the back buttons are now at the top of the pages. I can’t really explain it, it’s just something you’d have to see.

Today at work I put up Back to School. Yes, apparently July 1st is a good day to set up back to school. Fuck the 4th, we’re skipping right into school time. No need to worry, there is still a whole two months of vacation left before school even needs to be a worry, but why not start shopping early for it. Right? Maybe I can do Halloween in August this year. That would be fun. I tell ya, work is nothing but a shithole as of late, but that’s a whole other story.

Wednesday, June 25

Here I am for another day. The page is finally done, at least for now. I got the pictures out of here for the meantime. I am going to be working on either a flash or javascript application to view the pictures. I plan on turning the About Me page into another section of the page and put more personal information into it. As you can see, I’ve put my blog link on the side and also links to all my past blogs there also. I have cut the page info from close to 11MB of stuff to under 800KB, so I’m hoping it will load faster on older browsers.

Last night was an active one. Tornadoes all over. Most of them stayed in Minnesota and didn’t cross over into our state. Buffalo Falls, MN was hit extremely hard by the tornado and the rainfall was treacherous. Some spots picked up in excess of 10″ last night alone, not to mention it rained the past two nights before also. Not a good night to be on a computer that’s for sure. We didn’t really pick up much at all as far as bad weather. It did end up lightning and thundering somewhere around 2 a.m., but other than that, we got off pretty good.

Saturday, June 21

Holy shit, I’m starting to get real sparse on this lately. I am still working on the site, which I would say is only about 30% done so far. I am rebuilding the entire site on the new editor so that I can have it there and I will be able to modify it at will when I need to. That means that when I upload the new site, it will be strictly cosmetic and no new content will be on here. I am doing a few new things I like on there and hope it turns out ok. I am doing it this way so I can learn the ins and outs of the program and hopefully do better things with it in the future.

Today was the release date for the Harry Potter book. Our store did a promotion where for every $50 you spent you got a coupon, and when you got six coupons you could get a free Harry Potter book. Sounds good so far right? Well, we got the books in last Monday and were told not to open the boxes and lock them in an office until today. We didn’t open the boxes at all until today. That’s when I get the phone call at home telling me that there are no Harry Potter books in the boxes, but instead they are weather radios. Oh yeah, and there are customers here wanting their free books. When I got off the phone and finished saying fuck repeatedly, I called Wal Mart and asked if they would let me buy 20 copies of the book, to which they agreed. I ended up going to Wal Mart and dropping close to $350 for the books and running them to the store. Not a bad start to the morning considering that I hadn’t even had breakfast or a shower. Is Mc Donald’s hiring?

Monday, June 16

What a shitty day it was today. Not only was it a Monday, that would have been bad enough. Nope, it was inventory also. I got to work about 6:50am, and didn’t get out of there until 6:30pm. Damn near a 12 hour day. I only took about a 20 minute lunch also, which just adds to the day. I think with the lunch it came out to roughly 11 hours. The main problem was that the crew wasn’t exactly the greatest one we’ve had. The crew usually looks like they just do this when they aren’t at the circus, but this time they looked normal. I thought when I saw them that it would be over even quicker because they looked like they could get shit done. I was wrong. On a normal day, they would have been done and out the door by noon, today it was somewhere around 6. How the fuck do you do that? I knew we should have just had it on Friday the 13th.

We had a great weather weekend here. Aside from the funnel clouds on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were beautiful. I got to play golf on Sunday, then when I got home from there, I put a screen door up. That wasn’t the funnest thing, and it took me damn near all day to finish that up. I was online for about a half hour last night, pretty much long enough to check my e-mail before going to bed. I think tonight will be a repeat of that. I’m hoping to get working on the page layouts for my site in the near future. Someday.

Friday, June 13

Holy balls, a full moon and it’s Friday the 13th. Scary!! Had two possible tornados here today to boot. Actually, they weren’t tornados, they were funnels, because they never touched the ground. Stupid ass weather anyway. I have inventory on Monday at work, so that is just a slap in the face on a Monday. Hey, it’s the suckiest day of the week and now you get to do inventory too. Lucky me. They should have just went the whole way and made it today, Friday the 13th inventory would be fitting.

I am still working on the new site. I don’t have any concrete things going on, but you can check out what I’ve learned so far with this new program. is where I’m putting my stuff just to test it out on the web. All I have is some rollover buttons and the pictures change when you roll over the buttons. The links are not working, because there are no pages that are connected to them yet. I highly doubt that will be the design I end up going with, but you can’t really tell yet. I am still playing with that and I am also working on some new stuff which I may put up with a new design. Have to see how it plays out.

Monday, June 9

It’s always wonderful to get back to work after a rainy weekend. A subtle slap in the face is when a shitty weather weekend is followed by a bright and sunny Monday. Hey, I won something yesterday though. There was a Family thing in the park and they drew prizes, and I won a camping chair and two coolers. I guess that’s a little better than the big fat nothing I would have gotten had I stayed home.

Ok, now that we’ve started simmering down about this whole SARS thingy, now we have some stupid fucking prairie dogs giving people Monkey Pox. Now, apparently the prairie dogs got it from some funky rat from Africa. I’m assuming from the name that it must have come from a monkey at some point in time. Just have to figure out how the monkey gave it to the rat. Who the fuck wants a rat for a pet anyway? Are you stupid or something. If you have a rat for a pet, let me introduce you to my good friend D-con. Luckily I don’t know anyone stupid enough to own a fucking prairie dog or a rat as a pet, so hopefully I’m safe. Just the thought that this is happening in my state pisses me off a little. Get a REAL dog or even a cat if you’re that hard up for a companion.

I’m in the early stages of working on the new page, trying to get everything to jive. I’m still undecided whether I’m going with frames or not. That is about the stage I’m at now.

Friday, June 6

Guess I haven’t done this for almost a week. I have been rather busy, seems I don’t get on here much lately. I have been playing with my HTML editor trying to learn all the bells and whistles of that so I can create my new site. If I do post a new updated site before July, it would most likely just be a cosmetic makeover, and not a content change. Not yet anyway.

I went and checked out Saturn Wednesday after I got off of work. They asked me what I was looking for and I told them, something less expensive, because I am looking to get out of debt soon. Apparently they weren’t listening. I owe about $9,900 on my Stang yet, and have roughly 30 months left to pay. The used car I was looking at would have saved me $100/month and my insurance would have been almost nonexistent, however the loan conveniently wouldn’t go through. Thursday at work they call me and tell me they have great news!! They can get me a 72 month loan with my trade in and no money down on a new Ion2-whatever the fuck that is. I asked what the monthly payment would be, and was told about $260. So… let’s see; 260 x 72 = 19,152. So I guess Saturns plan to save me money involves me financing a piece of shit new Saturn and add another 10,000 of debt to my life. Gee, I think I’ll pass this time. It didn’t help that I heard on the radio today they have the Ion for only $10,995 this week. Fuckers.

Sunday, June 1

Holy shit, the new month has started. You know, I’m having eggs this morning and no matter how much I love them, I can’t get over the morning ritual of making them. I am not easily grossed out, but I have to pull out the rooster jizz before I make them. Maybe it is just a psychological thing, but it still gives me the willies.

So just curiously, where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction at? I don’t believe we’ve found them yet have we? Could it be we just bullshitted our way into a war so we could topple one of the main oil producers? Could be. You know though, maybe they are there and we haven’t found them yet. I highly doubt the Bush Administration could find Waldo, let alone weapons in a foreign country, so I guess we should keep looking. If we don’t really find anything, they can take a hint from the LAPD and just plant some shit there.

I’m in the process of working on a new design for this site, hope to have it up and running by July.

Tuesday, May 27

This month is almost over with already. Where in the hell did it go? I swear it was just May day. We need some sort of a lame ass holiday on the first of June. We have New Years Day in January, Groundhog day on the 2nd of February, April Fool’s Day, and May Day. What about June? I know what you’re thinking, but fuck March. I’m talking about June here, we’re looking forward, not backward. How about holy shit is it hot day? Maybe first day of the monsoon? We need something to get this month off on the right foot. Maybe we could start a national BBQ day. I suppose that would tread on the toes of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day not to mention every Saturday & Sunday in the summer, but dammit at least it would be official.

I was reading in the paper today that NASA is going to hit a comet on July 4, 2005. You can sign up online to have your name put in the craft that is going to hit this comet. Won’t that fucker just disintegrate when it hits? Worse yet, what if there are aliens up there, and now your name is on this rocket that crashed into something of theirs? Anal probes for you!