I was down in Eau Claire yesterday hanging out and I wound up shopping a little bit. I ran out to Best Buy for the hell of it and wound up getting Mitch Hedberg’s CD Mitch All Together which also has a bonus DVD with it. I was looking for a George Carlin double DVD to finish off my collection, but Best Buy didn’t have it so I ran over to the mall to check out Suncoast video. They didn’t have it either, but since I was already in the mall I figured why not go check out Spencer Gifts. I am desperately looking for a Family Guy baseball cap but Spencer’s didn’t have one. I browsed through some of their stuff, but I really have no use for Cartman slippers or thinks of that nature and there were too many people hanging out back in the dirty part of the store for me to gander so I took off. I wandered down the mall and I saw another store that might have it. God I hate going in that fucking store, but I really have no choice do I? I had to enter Hot Topic. This is not a task I take lightly; in fact I think I would rather walk into a porn shop on free lube night. Ok, maybe it’s not quite that bad but still I don’t like to venture in there alone. I’m not exactly down with the whole Goth thing or Emo thing and I don’t understand it either. For a group of people that want to be somewhat non-conforming it seems funny they all dress alike. It’s like the Amish with nose studs. Like I said, I don’t understand it and since I don’t personally know anyone that is Goth I don’t care to understand it. The point is I had to go into Hot Topic and wade through skinny little aisles and avoid touching the Goths… because they have sharp jewelry you know.
I made it out of Hot Topic unscathed and with a purchase (no need to worry, it wasn’t black makeup or a spiked collar). My fun didn’t end there though, the real fun happened when I got to go home. I didn’t head out until around 8pm and when I left there was a Tornado Watch out for us. It’s the middle of fucking November and we have a Tornado Watch out. To make things worse, there was a huge ass thunderstorm heading towards Eau Claire just as I was leaving. I got to drive through extremely heavy rains and high winds for about fifteen minutes on my way home. It was obviously punishment from God for buying something from Hot Topic. By the time I got home, the Tornado Watch had been cancelled and we were about to be in for a dose of reality. The weather just realized that it was November in Wisconsin and we needed snow. Well, even though we just had a cancelled Tornado Watch, we were now being told that we would have snow flurries in the morning and a possibility of having up to three inches of snow by the end of the day on Monday with an additional three inches on Tuesday. Lovely; just fucking lovely.