Tornadoes in November

I was down in Eau Claire yesterday hanging out and I wound up shopping a little bit. I ran out to Best Buy for the hell of it and wound up getting Mitch Hedberg’s CD Mitch All Together which also has a bonus DVD with it. I was looking for a George Carlin double DVD to finish off my collection, but Best Buy didn’t have it so I ran over to the mall to check out Suncoast video. They didn’t have it either, but since I was already in the mall I figured why not go check out Spencer Gifts. I am desperately looking for a Family Guy baseball cap but Spencer’s didn’t have one. I browsed through some of their stuff, but I really have no use for Cartman slippers or thinks of that nature and there were too many people hanging out back in the dirty part of the store for me to gander so I took off. I wandered down the mall and I saw another store that might have it. God I hate going in that fucking store, but I really have no choice do I? I had to enter Hot Topic. This is not a task I take lightly; in fact I think I would rather walk into a porn shop on free lube night. Ok, maybe it’s not quite that bad but still I don’t like to venture in there alone. I’m not exactly down with the whole Goth thing or Emo thing and I don’t understand it either. For a group of people that want to be somewhat non-conforming it seems funny they all dress alike. It’s like the Amish with nose studs. Like I said, I don’t understand it and since I don’t personally know anyone that is Goth I don’t care to understand it. The point is I had to go into Hot Topic and wade through skinny little aisles and avoid touching the Goths… because they have sharp jewelry you know.

I made it out of Hot Topic unscathed and with a purchase (no need to worry, it wasn’t black makeup or a spiked collar). My fun didn’t end there though, the real fun happened when I got to go home. I didn’t head out until around 8pm and when I left there was a Tornado Watch out for us. It’s the middle of fucking November and we have a Tornado Watch out. To make things worse, there was a huge ass thunderstorm heading towards Eau Claire just as I was leaving. I got to drive through extremely heavy rains and high winds for about fifteen minutes on my way home. It was obviously punishment from God for buying something from Hot Topic. By the time I got home, the Tornado Watch had been cancelled and we were about to be in for a dose of reality. The weather just realized that it was November in Wisconsin and we needed snow. Well, even though we just had a cancelled Tornado Watch, we were now being told that we would have snow flurries in the morning and a possibility of having up to three inches of snow by the end of the day on Monday with an additional three inches on Tuesday. Lovely; just fucking lovely.

Dollar, Dollar Bill Y’all

Well, check out what I got from the bank the other day. It’s a $2 bill from 1976. My first impression when I looked at it was who in the fuck would mail a $2 bill? You’d have to be a retard to just stick a $2 bill in the mail. Of course, if you check the postmark, you’ll realize that it was 1976 and I believe that the drug usage wasn’t the only thing that was high if you know what I’m saying. Well, being the inquisitive sonofabitch that I am, I had to do a little research and figure out why this bill was postmarked.

There’s good news and bad news about that whole deal; the bad news is that the bill is not worth enough to let me quit my job and live in the lap of luxury. Hell, it’s not even worth enough to let me buy an MP3 player the size of a pack of gum. In fact, that’s about all it’s worth, a pack of gum… a $2 pack of gum (you know, the good shit that you don’t ever buy for the kids?)

The good news about the whole thing is that I did indeed find out why someone postmarked this bill. The date on the bill was April 13, 1976, which from what I read was the day that this bill was released. Apparently, people went out and had these bills postmarked to prove that they were obtained on the day of release. If anyone knows why they did that shit I’d love to know. My only guess would be that television really sucked back then and they were really bored. How do fads like that start anyway? Obviously, it wasn’t just the one person that did the bill I have in my possession now, but many people all over the country did it. All I can really gather is that the $2 bill was out of circulation for so long when it came back people lost their fucking minds and decided to deface the new currency; you know, as a welcome back.

You know what I don’t do a lot? Watch movies in the theater, and I’ll tell you why. With the invention of the DVD I no longer have a purpose of going to the theater. Sure, I can watch the movie before the rental, but come on, I’m a patient guy. I have a nice sized television; ok, it’s only 36” but I have been eyeing up those projectors that can put up to a 10-foot diagonal picture up for you. Oh yeah baby, that’s what I’m talking about. I have surround sound and goddammit I can make popcorn at my house, and I don’t even have to take a loan out for it.

There’s one more downfall to the theater experience I haven’t even mentioned yet, and I feel I should since it’s the biggest deterrent of them all, the other people. They are the fucking worst, and every one of them seems to have a cell phone they so badly need to talk on while they are in the theater. Hey, fuck nut, the phone has two buttons you may not be aware of, one of which you should push now. One is silent and the other is off. Do you think that it is actually possible for you to turn your telephone off and sit in peace and quiet for the entire 89 minutes this film lasts? You know, it’s not all the cell phone assholes either, sometimes it’s just a group of fuckers and they’re talking, talking too loudly. I think for me to enjoy the theater scene anymore they really need to bring back ushers and give them tazer guns. That way if any of these little teeny bop fuckers are talking too much on their cell phone, or the over bred and overweight soccer mom is munching too loudly on her sixth box of candy and slurping too loudly on her 128oz jug of Coke, then the usher can come over and zap the mother fucker and I can continue to watch my movie in peace and quiet. Fuck it, I’ll just wait for the DVD to come out.


Two things are going on here. Number one is that it is the last day of October. That in and of itself sucks monkey balls because it brings us that much closer to the end of the year and of course brings us inevitably closer to winter.

The second thing going on tonight was Halloween. You know, the night where people dress their children up in costumes and send them out to beg for candy. What a confusing holiday this is to me. All year long people tell their kids to never take candy from strangers, then in one night they send them to a ton of houses of people that they don’t even know and have them take candy from strangers. That’s fucked up if you ask me, almost more fucked up than dressing your kids up in goofy costumes. I don’t know about anywhere else but around here true Trick or Treating has died down quite a bit. I remember when I was a kid I used to go out and trick or treat all over the place and get tons of candy. Nowadays with all the freaky asshole people that are out there you can’t let your kids go to half of the houses anymore.

Hey, I finally got my DVD’s on Saturday. I watched quite a few of the George Carlin specials while I was carving pumpkins on Sunday. Last night I watched Orgazmo, which is probably one of my favorite low budget movies. It was one of the first movies put out by the guys that did South Park. Technically it was put out by Trey Parker, but Matt was also in the movie. Tonight in between the 15 trick or treaters that showed up I watched Harold & Kumar go to White Castle and Team America. I probably should have watched Ghostbusters since it was Halloween and all, but I’ll save that for another day when I’m feeling nostalgic. One thing I’ve began noticing on the DVD’s is that they are putting these stupid warnings on there about how illegal movie downloading is wrong and how buying bootlegged movies from street vendors is stealing. Here’s how the deal goes, they show someone stealing a purse and it says “you wouldn’t steal a purse” and it shows someone stealing a car and says “you wouldn’t steal a car”. To me this is a totally pointless fucking ad to put on a DVD. If I had bought a pirated DVD do you really think that it would have this ad on it? People pirate shit everyday and a little pussy commercial like that isn’t going to change that. In fact, I take offense to the fact that I have purchased well over 100 DVD’s since their inception and you are basically chastising me like I’m a thief? The nerve of you fucking Hollywood cocksuckers. This is going to be the same as the music downloading cases were going. Oh no, everyone is downloading music and now nobody is buying it anymore. Look Hollywood, the reason people aren’t going to see your movies in the theater anymore is because you don’t have anymore original ideas left in your rotting brains. If all you can pump out for movies is old TV shows remade into movies or old movies remade into new movies then people are going to get sick of that shit really quick and quit buying it. You need to quit blaming the lack of sales on bootleggers and downloaders and start placing the blame where it really lies; with the script writers that have done too much meth and actually think it would be a good idea to make an A Team movie or a Knight Rider movie or a Honeymooners movie or whatever other fucking show they feel like making a movie out of. Another thing, quit making sequels and prequels; especially when you can’t get most of the cast to show up. If you are going to make a related movie to a successful film and your main stars from the first movie don’t want to return, maybe you should read the script because it probably sucks ass. If you need proof look no further than Dumb and Dumberer. Had I not wasted the half hour I watched that piece of shit before I shut it off I would have thought it was a biopic on Hollywood script writers.

Where are My DVD’s?

This weekend is going to be a fun one at work, because its inventory time again. The only good thing about it this time around is that I don’t have a department to be inventoried. I am being somewhat of a consultant as far as the HBC/GM inventory goes, but I’m certainly not getting all into it; and come Sunday when they count I won’t be there. When I ran the department I kept all of my overstock in totes and everything was counted because I kept a running inventory of all my backstock. Well, when the reset happened, that got all fucked up. I’ve been going through what is out in the aisles and using my super duper pricing machine and counting it that way with the new department head. You know what else is wonderful? Not only do I not really have to worry about inventory, but I also don’t have to worry about putting out Christmas, putting out hats and gloves, ordering shit for next year’s holidays or any of that shit. I didn’t realize how much I hated doing that until I stopped.

The super duper mega super Wal Mart opened yesterday in my town. The store is over 200,000 square feet. In case you’re not good with numbers and dimensions, that is fucking huge. I woke up early this morning so on my way to my job I stopped in and checked it out. I do have to say that the store is laid out rather well but it’s like it’s own little community in there. Shit, there’s a Subway in there, there’s a Papa Murphy’s pizza place, a hair cut place and all of the other Wal Mart things that are in there. I think this summer when it’s really hot out and I don’t want to spend my money for running the air conditioner I’ll just go live at the fucking Wal Mart. Hey, it’s got to be good for something, doesn’t it?

I’m patiently waiting for my DVD’s to show up so I can watch them. I checked online today and it said that they all shipped already. I did get one in the mail today but the other ones didn’t show up. It did say they shipped separately so I’m not too worried yet. The only reason they didn’t show up yet is because they know those are the ones I really wanted. It’s a goddamned conspiracy I tell you. Since I’ve mentioned Wal Mart and DVD’s in the same blog I might as well mention that I went into the old Wal Mart here because I wanted to buy my South Park Season 6 DVD. Well, they were out of stock a day after it came out. There was a tag on the shelf and everything but there was no DVD there. I asked one of the people there if they would get anymore in and I was told not until the new store opens. Obviously I didn’t need the new South Park DVD right away but I’m not that fucking patient. I left Wal Mart and went over to K Mart. Before you want to give me shit for going to K Mart let me just say we don’t have a Target in this town yet, and my only other option was Shopko and they are too fucking expensive for me, they would have jacked me over $40 for that set. I went into K Mart with little to no expectations and was completely surprised to find Season 6 there for only $34.99. Over at Wallyworld it was over $38. I was suddenly glad that those bastards were out of the movie.

I’ve Been Busy, So Sue Me

Yeah, it’s been nine days since I last posted, so sue me. I’ve been a little busier than normal. Of course now I’m off of work until next Wednesday the 26th so I’m good to go; or so I thought.
I got an email from John, who is the guy that is generous enough to host my 3rd Bass site for free for me. Well, he emailed me and told me that he was upgrading to a brand new server that would be faster and better than the old one, just the site would have to move and I’d have to change my nameservers for the domain name. I did all that and the 3rd Bass site went down for a few hours while the change was taking place. Once the change was done and the site was back up I went in and poked around and everything seemed to be working just fine. Well yesterday morning I went onto the message boards and I was checking out some of the postings and it still seems like it went smooth. Well, I went back in during the midday of yesterday and realized that something was wrong with the way the server was interpreting .php files. When you would go to the site it would ask you if you wanted to open the file or save it. Well that was definitely fucked up. So my first thought was to try and make the site accept .php as a page to open, but that was beyond me. I don’t think it is anything that I can control because it seems to be more a server side problem than something I have control over. I can access a few things through my cpanel but beyond that I’m helpless. Once I realized that I couldn’t reconfigure the server’s handling of those files, I decided I would just throw the message board on my site. Well, normally you go into the message board and into the administration panel and you do a backup, however if you’re keeping tabs, you will remember I can’t even access the boards, let alone the admin panel. The last time I did the backup from the admin panel I was able to change the path for the board and when I uploaded it to everything worked fine. This time I had to backup my database from phpmyadmin and I didn’t know how to change the path for the site. I created a message board on my disgruntled site and I restored the database, but I couldn’t access a few areas of the site because the path was wrong. It kept taking me back to the site when I’d click on a few things. Well, it wasn’t until Saturday morning that I finally figured out how the hell to fix it so it would work properly. Now that I have that working I redirected the boards on the one site over to here temporarily until whatever is wrong over there is working again. Hopefully that will be soon.

When I would get sick of trying to figure out how to fix my message boards yesterday I ended up playing around with a new design for Lisa’s blog. The way I’m doing it is going to be a little similar to my site, as far as the width of it and the large banner that will be in a flash format. I use the flash format because it seems to be a little smaller than if I was just using the picture. This way as I learn more about flash I can add little tweaks to the existing flash file and upload it and there won’t be any code changes. Little things like the fact that on my site when you click on guestbook, it opens two pages instead of just one and when you click on email it does do the email thing, but it also opens a blank page. Live and learn I guess.

Ok, geek talk off!

I’m officially on vacation; in fact I’m on my second day of vacation already. I am off Friday through Tuesday. I don’t really want to go back on Wednesday but I suppose I will. I always try to take this week off in October because it’s my birthday week. I already bought myself my birthday present because I’m too old for anyone else to buy one for me anymore. I got myself a bunch of DVD’s ordered. I’ve been wanting the George Carlin collections on DVD for quite some time so I finally bought those. I also got a few other movies, like Team America and Harold & Kumar along with a few others. Now I just need to get them so I can watch them since I’m going to be bored soon.

Time For Some Changes

Well, I think the page is finally working like it should now. I actually moved the blog over to the main part of the page, so will no longer be there. I figured that the blog should be the main page in the site, and now all the pages will look the same and will all be in the same directory. I think I’m going to go on a sub domain deleting spree. I have the following that can go: 3rdbass, boards, blog, petenice, and mcserch. Of course all of the 3rd Bass related stuff has been moved to it’s own domain so I don’t need those anymore and my blog is now gone. This will only leave the couple test sub domains left that I use to try out new shit online and show people, and it will leave Lisa’s page and my Cartman page.

In other news, I’m off of work tomorrow and it’s going to be nice to sleep in for a while. I think I’ll try to sleep until at least 7am if I can. I have trouble staying in bed that late now since I’m usually working for two hours by 7. Oh well, not tomorrow.

Hey, That’s Not My Baby

What a fun weekend it’s been. I ended up working on Sunday because my backup needed the day off. I went in at about quarter to two in the morning and I didn’t get out of there until a little after seven. The payoff of course is that I’m going to be off this coming Friday. That’s right, three day weekend baby… say it with me now. Today I went into work at 4am, and then I was home before noon, damn that was sweet. The reason I’ve decided to start going in so early on Monday’s is we get a shitload of TPR’s on that day. Basically anything that was on ad last week will still have some allowance on it and we put it at a small discount, so I hang all of those signs which is usually close to 200, then I hang all the new ones that started that week, which is usually close to 300. Although I do know the store pretty well, hanging 500 signs is still a bit of a task. Actually hanging them isn’t the problem, I have to print them first, then I have to sort them by aisle and then I get to hang them up. I think the sorting part takes up the majority of my time especially now since we have so many things that have changed places. Once I get my way and I’m able to change aisle locations easier in the computer, I will have all my aisles set and I will just print in order of the aisles and I’ll be set.

Well, I’ve been plugging away at getting my website to look the way I want it. I think this look is what I’m going for. There are a few elements in the Flash Banner that I have to tweak, but what’s there will work for now. Every time I look at it I can honestly say it doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever done before, and that’s a good thing. The only problem I’ve seen so far is that in Internet Explorer my site looks wonderful, but in Netscape it looks like horseshit. That is one of the things that has always pissed me off about doing sites, the fact that the browsers never do the same thing. Look fuckers, I think it’s high time that you people worked together and make the browsers so they are able to do the same things across the board. I don’t care if there are 30 different companies making browsers, as long as they all jive and interpret the coding the same. Anyway, once my main site is finished I’m either going to redo the 3rd Bass site or Lisa’s site; well I’m going to do both of them, I just don’t know which one I’m going to do first. I’ve got a few good ideas for both sites as well and I’m hoping when I get done they’ll both look hella cool. In 3rd Bass news, I see that Serch is planning on releasing some unreleased 3rd Bass tracks and I hope him seeing the website and realizing that they still have a large fan base had something to do with that.

Speaking of music related news, I saw that Chris Cagle, who is apparently some sort of country music star, and his girlfriend recently had a baby. Well, once the baby was born he found out that it really wasn’t his baby. I’m just curious, because it sounded like she just had it not too long ago, but how did he know it wasn’t his? I wonder if it came out a different color or something. I guess on the bright side, he now has new material to write some more country music with. Nothing makes a good country tune more than your old lady cheating on you with the pizza boy and getting knocked up by him. I know some of his fans feel bad for him, but hey, it comes with the territory. If you’re going to live that country singer lifestyle, then you’ve got to be prepared for things like this. Hell, he could lose his farm next, or maybe develop a drinking habit, or any other medication worthy depressing thing that country music stars sing about. Just think, if he had only been a rap star, he could have just shot the bitch.

Holy Shit, it’s October

Well, as I’ve said before and I’ll say again. When October arrives you never know what the hell the weather is going to do. Right now we’re sitting right around 80 degrees and by Friday they mentioned that word; you know the one… snow. Yes, although anything that falls would melt right away it would still count as snow and as far as I’m concerned, that’s not right. I need a slow transition here, that’s all I’m asking for. First ease me out of the 80’s into the mid 70’s, then slowly work me into the lower 70’s just approaching the upper 60’s. After all of that then you can drop me into the upper 60’s, but leave me there for a few weeks because I’ll really need to adjust. Then we can drop into the 50’s and follow that with 40’s and then to the dreaded 30’s… and when that time comes around, well we should be back to summer again. That would be my perfect winter. Fuck the snow, fuck Christmas and just let me have some nice weather year around. Let Santa build a sleigh with some damn wheels on it and quit your bitching.

I noticed a new neighbor had moved in this past week. I haven’t met them yet; just saw they look like an older couple much to my dismay. Why can’t I ever get lesbians that don’t believe in hanging curtains moving in next door to me? Damn my luck anyway. The only reason I noticed that it was an older couple is because they had a big party last week, apparently to celebrate the move. Anyway, they had this party and a shitload of people came over to it. Enough people that I snuck over there and grabbed some food and no one even noticed me. What I mean is no one would have noticed me if I had done that… not that the thought even crossed my mind, although I think they were having BBQ ribs and homemade potato salad.

I’m still working on making the blog look different. This is by no means the final version of it. The funny thing about that is if you are reading this on the 3rd of October then you will know what I’m talking about, but what if you find this shit a few months from now and I’ve already got the design changed; you’ll be like what the fuck was he writing about? Just realize, I ask myself that very same question every day.

It’s Over

The big ass reset at work is finally over with. All that’s left is hoping all of the new items I sent into corporate get downloaded. I have been just relaxing yesterday and today because I put in another 60 hour week last week for this reset. It wasn’t a hard job whatsoever; just extremely time consuming on my part. Although a full set of tags were ordered for the reset, there was some sort of problem and quite a few tags didn’t make it and I wound up having to batch and print them. When I say quite a few, I mean over 1,200 of them. The good news was that I was commended on how well I kept up with all of the tags that were missing. Every morning I would go out and check for hand written tags and batch and print them because that was my job, that and I was making time and a half after Wednesday. It’s very nice to get an extra $200 in one week and I really wish I could make that much every week. Of course next week I will be back to the normal grind where all I am doing is my normal job and there will be no room for overtime whatsoever. Isn’t it wonderful?

My new printer arrived on Wednesday. I had gone into work at 3am on Wednesday and I left work around 3pm and went and picked up my new printer at the store. It was around 4:30pm when I finally got home and got everything hooked up so I could start using my printer. I flipped the television on for the hell of it while I hooked up the printer because the instruction manual said not to turn on your computer until told to. Well I flipped on the weather channel because I wanted to see where the hurricane was heading for this time. Well as soon as I turned it on I see the scroll along the bottom of the screen saying we were under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10pm. After a quick inspection of the sky I figured they were full of shit. There were some storms that were over St. Cloud in Minnesota but that’s a good two hours away from here so I had nothing to worry about. I proceeded to hook up my printer and I turned on the computer and tested it out. It printed very nicely, and the colors are awesome, even on pictures. So I’m playing around printing stuff up and I hear what sounds like thunder; which should be impossible since there was only a few little clouds in the sky 20 minutes ago when I looked outside. Apparently the old saying “a storms a brewing” was true that night; not to mention in record time. When I went to the window this time there were dark black clouds north of us and the whole sky was pretty dark as well. I shut my computer and new printer off and turned the TV back on to watch some more weather since now it was going to be affecting us. Within five minutes we were under a severe thunderstorm warning, and the shit hit hard and fast. The wind started whipping and the rain was coming down so fast and a lot of it was horizontal. I thought holy shit this is bad, especially considering that all of the storms in Minnesota were becoming tornadic. Next step up of course was the hail. When I say hail, I’m not talking this little marble sized bullshit that you’re thinking off, I’m talking about baseball size hail. You know, the kind of hail that could fucking kill you if you got hit by it. I had my police scanner on and I got to hear about all of the damage going on, from the police cars having their windshields busted out from the hail to the streets flooding up to waist deep in some locations. It was the weirdest fucking Wednesday I’d had in a long time. Had I mentioned that I had been up since 1:30 in the morning so I could get to work at 3? Let’s just say that I was fucking tired come Thursday morning.

Let’s Spend My Money

Well, apparently since I worked all of that overtime last week I figured I could buy something for my troubles. What else do you save up for right? I decided to take the plunge and buy a new printer. I think I may have mentioned this before but I will mention it again. Printers and I do not get along very well; especially those ink jet fuckers. When I started using computers way back in the days, I used a dot matrix printer with my trusty Commodore 64. That is probably the longest I’ve ever owned a printer. When I finally retired the C64 and moved to the Tandy, I got a new dot matrix printer to go along with that. Sure laser printers were starting to show up around those days but who had money for something like that, hell they cost more than the fucking computer which back then were close to $2,000. So I stuck with my shitty little dot matrix… until. The glory of ink jet printers started around that time, or at least became affordable. My first ink jet printer was a Canon. It was also only had black ink, there was no color abilities for this printer whatsoever unlike what you damn kids have these days. I think the ink cartridge lasted longer than the damn printer did. Actually I don’t remember what the problem was aside from a lot of leaking and the fact that color printers started coming onto the market. I had to have a color printer, so I got one. I don’t think that one lasted very long either for some reason. All I know is that I have on average had two printers for every computer I’ve owned so far. Let’s fast forward to today. I have an inkjet printer from HP that I got in a bundle with a digital camera and I also have an HP laserjet that I got from work for free and have bought a new cartridge for. I’ve already got a taker for the laser printer and as for the inkjet, that little fucker can sit by the curb.

As far as sites go, I haven’t even started thinking of a new design for my sites so the blog will probably be Plain Jane for a little while longer. I really want to spruce up the 3rd Bass site now too and I’m not sure which one is going to take precedence. Speaking of the 3rd Bass site I now have it mentioned on the number one Beastie Boy’s fan site at under relevant links to 3rd Bass.

Tomorrow is back to work time for me and it is also the second week of the reset. I don’t really give a shit if I get to help with it anymore since the HBC portion is done. I didn’t like a few of the things that were happening there so I put my two cents in and had those changed up a little. My whole week will be involved with scanning out all of the shit not making it into the new sets so we can send it to other stores and making tags… lots of tags. The one good thing with making tags now is I can print an entire vendor’s file with the click of about three buttons, much easier than batching everything and then trying to print them. Speaking of my wonderful job… I better get my ass to bed.

Two Days Off and Still Hella Tired

This is basically just a fucked off entry to test out this new 3.2 version of Movable type. If it works well then I will probably upgrade Lisa’s blog too. Of course the pain in the ass time I had doing my own makes me not want to upgrade hers, although I’m sure I will eventually. I think that this new version is pretty cool from what I’ve seen so far with it. There is a lot more potential with this version than there has been with past versions. The only thing I don’t really like is the templates for it. That is why if you’re reading this right now you’ll notice that the blog looks pretty sad. Not sad like a dog that’s left home, but sad like plain and simple.

Oh well, I’ve been here before with my blog, back to square one, and I’m sure that I will be able to make the site even better than before in due time. In fact my main plan is to make the blog the main page over at the main site and all other pages on my main site will link from the blog. It will be cool and it will mean my main site will always have new content on it, well at least whenever I take the time to write something down here that is.

Fifty Hours Down

Well, I’m officially up to 50 hours as of today; with tomorrow to go. Wednesday I ended up working from 3am until past 4pm. I can’t wait to see the check, although I have a bad feeling that the government is going to jack me for most of it anyway. Hell I will probably make less than I would if I just worked a normal week. It’s been an interesting week to say the least. I’ve helped do the reset, scanned out product to send to another store (the poor bastards) and even got to call some of the shots as far as where we should move stuff. I even got them to change their mind on a few different things as far as where they would be putting stuff. The one good thing is that tomorrow is Friday and I can rest tomorrow with two days off in a row coming up. Yesterday I came home with a headache and I didn’t even turn my computer on. I just came home and took it easy and couldn’t wait until it was time to go to sleep.

That’s the funny thing about a headache, at least for me… when I wake up in the morning or even three hours later it feels like the greatest day of my life if that headache is gone. I wake up and it’s like oh right, I felt like shit last night and now I don’t. Life is grand isn’t it?

By the way, with the way this week is going… I’m totally burned out.