Yeah, Something Came Up

I was going to post the pictures of what my car looks like now with all the changes, but I have now decided that I am going to instead re do the picture page for my car. Besides, something came up.

Over yonder at the other website that I own, one of the members (and the guy giving me free webhosting over there) John has secured an interview with Prime Minister Pete Nice. Unless you know who 3rd Bass are that probably doesn’t mean anything to you. Anyway, I will most likely be creating a new page there with the interview and all of that fun shit. I’m also counting down the days until I have to start classes again. Right now, it’s 27 and counting. I am only taking one class so I’m hoping it doesn’t suck my entire remaining summer through Christmas dry. I guess I will know soon.

I Think It’s Finished

All of my stuff I bought for my car is now installed. I spent all day Saturday and all day Sunday working on the installation of all the parts. I’m now done and actually feel pretty good that I was able to do some of the installs. I can tell you that years ago I wouldn’t have had the balls to do any of the stuff that I’ve done so far with my car. Shit, Saturday I removed the instrument cluster and dissected it to put the new gauges in. I took the doors apart and installed new door handles and took apart the shifter and installed a new one of those also.

It’s very late for someone like me who got up early on both my days off just to work on my car. Therefore I’m going to get myself off to bed and then maybe do a full report tomorrow with a few pictures.

I Did it Again

Well, I had been talking about taking my existing mobile police scanner and installing it into my empty spot in my ‘Stang’s dashboard; the only thing I would have had to do is find a DIN sleeve, custom shape something to fill in the space that this one didn’t fill and then also try to make it look nice… not hard right? Fuck that noise, this weekend I found a new scanner that was made to fit into a dashboard and I ended up buying that and installing it in my dash. I bought the Radio Shack Pro-2055 mobile scanner.

When I bought the new scanner, I didn’t know, but it was a clone of my new handheld scanner I had bought almost a year ago, the Pro-97. I know if you’re a scanner nerd you’re probably wondering why that one isn’t on my scanner page, well I’m also rather lazy, especially with the whole webpage stuff. Anyway, as I said, it’s a clone of my handheld which made programming it extremely easy because all I had to do was plug a wire into both scanners and it uploaded all the programmed frequencies from the handheld to the new mobile.

It’s Independence Day

Yes, I’ve noticed that not only have I not been blogging as much lately as I have in the past, I also noticed that for the past two years I didn’t blog on the 4th of July. That’s how traditions get fucked up. Speaking of traditions on the 4th, that would have a few different things involved with it. But the only one I care about is that my neighbors must shoot off loud obnoxious fireworks after it gets dark out. Of course it is summer time, and guess when it gets dark out? At almost 10 o’clock at night, that’s when. I think when we established all of these holidays back in the old days we fucked up a little bit; so I’m proposing a little change, or should I say exchange.

We need to swap out Independence Day with Christmas. Now hear me out and listen to the benefits before you start complaining.

First off, this would bring a little more sense to the stupid sales you hear about when they say “Christmas in July”. You see; now the only thing these people would be lying about was the quality of their products because Christmas would actually be in July. Another thing would be that you will get much better shit in July than in December. Wouldn’t it be nice to go through a Christmas without getting another fucking homemade sweater from your Aunt? Think about it, all the cool summer things you could get, all the toys that your kids could actually go out and play with. There is also the benefit of being able to go outside and escape from the family that is now driving you nuts. Anything cool that you might get for Christmas you now have until 10pm to enjoy before you have to think about going to sleep. Just think, you will no longer have to travel in the middle of winter and risk certain death on the icy roads. I’m sure there are many more benefits that you could enjoy by having Christmas in July, but let’s move to Independence Day in December.

The first benefit is that it gets dark around 4pm and your degenerate neighbors can now light off their fireworks well before you go to sleep. Another benefit is that your ground and roof are most likely covered with snow so if one of those illegal fireworks that cousin Jeb brought back from Mississippi lands on your roof, it probably won’t cause any fires. You don’t have to worry about mosquitoes biting you outside; in fact nothing will be biting you in December aside from a possible stray rabid dog or perhaps frostbite. Hey parents, think about this one here… your kids won’t be home for two weeks over the last week in December anymore because it’s only a one day holiday. That’s right, no scrambling with daycares to figure out what to do with those pesky children for the two weeks. The benefits keep pouring in and I see no negatives here either.

A side plus is that all those other holidays at the end of the year can do a little more shining. Hanukkah and Kwanzaa can share the end of the year without Christmas breathing down their neck… just a few fireworks.

My Car Stereo is Half Done…

Well, I did it; even though I wasn’t 100% sure that I could, I did.

I installed my new car stereo (aka head unit) this weekend and boy was that fun. I ordered the unit from Crutchfield and got all of the mounting hardware and wiring that I would need for about the same price I would have paid locally for just the radio. Anyway, I say that I’m half done because in Ford’s infinite wisdom when they created that 99 and 2000 Mustang, they decided that you may just want to listen to a cassette tape and a CD, and just in case they put two units into the dash of my car. Well, when you take out two units and put only one back in, you end up with a small void, roughly the size of a car stereo… imagine that. So, my next task is to figure out how to put what I want to put in that hole. Ok, that didn’t sound right, I have a police scanner I want to install there, and I just have to figure out how I’m going to do it. One more thing, if you ever install one in a Mustang and want to bypass the amp, the sun of a bitch is under where the CD player was.

Working on a Saturday?

That’s right, I get to work tomorrow. I know what you’re thinking; poor Dave has to work on a Saturday. Seriously though, I think this is probably my third Saturday that I’ve worked since starting there and I’ve been there over a year. Compare that to the every Saturday I worked at my old job and I’d say I’m good; plus tomorrow is pure overtime.

I see they released Dr. Jack Kevorkian from jail today. Well I see no reason for Jack to be sitting on his duff when there are problems out there that need to be solved. I say the first thing we do is send Jack over to Hollywood to handle the party bitches. You know, the Lindsey’s and Paris’ and Britney’s. I’d give the girls a good chance at rehab and if not, then it’s time to go see the doctor. That’d solve my stupid news I have to watch all the time.

Holy shit, June just kind of snuck in there didn’t it? It was just May and now I look at my calendar and it’s June. Well, my calendar still says May because I’m a lazy bastard, but my computer says it’s June and if the music and porn box says it’s June, then it must be. I ordered my new car stereo last night and will hopefully have it by midweek so I can install it and start enjoying a shitload of music in the car. My first task will be to burn all of the Beastie Boy CD’s to one mp3 CD so I have the entire catalog in my car at all times. I still haven’t ordered the other shit for my car, but I am sure I will since I am getting my tuition reimbursement check on Monday.

Head On… Apply Directly to the Forehead… Head On

You know, that was probably one of the more annoying ad campaigns that I had to put up with while watching television but now their new ads are even more annoying. The new ads look like the old ads except they stop the ad after the first line and someone walks out and says how annoying their commercials are, but how they just love the product. The problem with that is that the people that come out are even more annoying than the original commercial. I’d rather hear the original announcer than the black guy with the raspy ass voice or the woman who looks like she applied her finger directly to the light socket. Now this company is branching out into other things other than just headache remedies and going after arthritis pain and itching…. “Apply directly to the itch”. I’m just praying that they come out with a hemorrhoid ointment soon just so I can see that commercial.

Now that I’m done with school for a couple months I’m finding myself with far too much idle time. One of the ideas I’m entertaining is redoing my car interior again. I’m looking at adding a few billet things and other enhancements and then I would also like to put a new radio in there. Well, not just any radio, this would be a CD player that just happens to have a radio in it. It also is compatible with mp3 and wma CD’s and has a USB port on the front of it so I can just plug a jump drive in and listen to a shitload of songs. The only problem with all of this is that I have a 2000 Mustang and for whatever reason I have two radio slots in the car. One is my cassette (wtf??) deck/radio and the other is the CD player. This would mean that I would have a gaping hole in my dashboard where the old CD player used to be. One thought I’m running through my mind is to put my portable police scanner in that hole since the radio has two inputs in the back to add accessories and therefore I could just play the scanner through the radio speakers when needed. I just have to figure out how I would mount the scanner in there and if I can figure that out, it’s definitely a go.

Our weather has been nothing short of exciting lately. We haven’t had too many hot days yet, there was a short stretch of 80’s about a week or so ago but for the most part getting to 70 has been something to celebrate. Yesterday we hardly reached 60 and we had a tornado warning. I was online looking at Southern Wisconsin and saw a tornado warning down there so I clicked on the tornado warning button that shows all warnings for Wisconsin and noticed that my county was listed. My first thought was what the hell is this, some sort of mistake? There was this little renegade storm in the northwestern part of the county which didn’t seem too threatening; especially since it wasn’t heading my way. As soon as I realized that is why they were putting out the warnings, the sirens started screaming; my least favorite noise right next to the alarm clock. We didn’t even get any rain out of the deal either but it did make for some good listening on the scanner. If I had it in my car, I could have went storm chasing.

We Interrupt This Program…

I know, I should be blogging like crazy now right? I am thinking that I will be getting back to normal in the next week or so. I am officially done with school as of last night, well at least until this coming fall that is. I think that the summer off will be a good thing for my mind to finally mold back into normalcy… whatever that is.

I dumped my Norton Internet Security and switched over to Trend PC-Cillin this week. I’m still playing around trying to figure out how to tweak it to my liking.

What else is going on? Oh yeah, Mother’s day was last weekend. One of my favorite commercials for Mother’s day was from the cell phone companies. Yes, I can’t think of anything your mom would enjoy more than a 2 year commitment that will cost her upwards of $50 per month. You’re welcome.

Busy as One of Those Stupid Insects That Sting You When You Smash its Hive

Yes, I’ve been busy. I’m getting to the point in school where I can see the end approaching fast, well at least for this semester. I finished my Peachtree Accounting class already and I’m working feverishly on getting the Payroll class completed also. I have until May 15th to complete it otherwise I’m fucked, and not in the “I’m wearing AXE body spray” way. Speaking of AXE body spray, who the fuck is really wearing that, and where are the girls that go ape shit over it? I think it’s a clever marketing ploy with no basis in truth. Anyway, back to school, I’m working on my final project for my class and the good news is that I’m not going to take any class during the summer. That’s right, from May 15th until sometime in late August I’ll be free to do other shit that doesn’t require learning. That’ll be grand.

You know, being so busy I haven’t blogged since the 8th. Usually I can blog 15 days apart and there is nothing at all going on except the same old shit. This time in the last 15 days I’ve seen an old radio guy call some basketball players nappy headed hos and lose his job, I saw some kid go crazy and kill 32 people at a college and some astronaut kill someone and himself. Do you see what happens when I leave you people alone for extended periods of time?

The Don Imus thing is weird because I don’t even like the guy, I have flipped through the TV before and found MSNBC and seen him on there and thought, wow, what a crusty old fucker, and flipped through some more channels. The only reason that I knew what he said was because of the media firestorm and public crucifixion that followed it. I surely would have never know what he said if I had to rely solely on his show because I don’t watch or listen to it. Of course back to me because hey, this is my blog, not Imus’ blog. Even if it was, I’d just have to fire his ass too.
What else goes on around here? Not a whole lot, which explains the 15 day lag in blogs.

Happy Easter and All That

Well, any thoughts I had rolling around in my head to write down for an Easter blog have been drowned out by way too much food. I seriously didn’t eat a whole lot, because aside from the ham, there wasn’t too much that appealed to me at the dinner table this year. Of course the rabbit cake did appeal to me so I had a piece of that. Seriously though, it wasn’t made of rabbit, it was just shaped like a rabbit, a very cartoony rabbit now that I think about it. I wonder why we make the bunny our Easter symbol and then we make all of our food to look like it and eat it. Hey, our holiday is going to be represented by this human like rabbit, let’s make chocolate bunnies and cake bunnies and eat them. I guess we do the same thing for Christmas with Santa so I shouldn’t be complaining.

I can’t believe this is already my second Easter that I haven’t been working in retail. That’s right, next Wednesday I will have been at my job for one year already. I started on April 11th last year and that week had Good Friday in it with Easter following.

I’m very close to being done with my classes for this semester and from what I’ve seen of what’s offered over the summer, I might be class free until next September, which will be a nice deserved break if I do say so myself. Since my over-hammed brain cannot think of anything clever to say, I think I’m going to retire for the evening and get some much needed rest.

I’m Going on a Hunger Strike

As I’m listening to the news on the radio at work today I hear that someone is going on a hunger strike because of something on American Idol. I didn’t get to hear the details so I had to come home and read them online in order to fully understand what we’re dealing with here in this time of crisis.

Apparently some lady is going on a hunger strike until someone named Sanjaya (hey lady, my spellchecker doesn’t like that name either) is voted off American Idol. So what she does is gets herself a MySpace page (oooh, fucking original there) and tells how she is not going to eat anything until this kid is voted off. You know, not since Gandhi went on a hunger strike to protest Britain’s occupancy of India have I seen such a worthy cause.

Luckily there is nothing of real importance going on in this country and she can do a protest like this. I mean if there was a war that our soldiers were dying in every day or a president that over half the population didn’t like or large companies fucking up our environment or if AIDS and Cancer weren’t cured yet, then surely you wouldn’t want to do a protest like that because you’d look like a… um, what’s the word?

Oh yeah, Media Whore. Luckily for her though, that position did open up on February 8th of this year.