Back to Work

What a disappointment that was. Going back to work sure does suck after taking a week off. Luckily it was Monday so it was supposed to suck anyway. This was probably the best my department was when I came back from vacation. Normally when I go away for the week, it ends up so fucked up it takes at least a week to get it back in order. This time it was only partially fucked up, and I was able to fix everything today. I am just looking forward to Wednesday so I can get the hell out of there early.

I bought The Family Guy seasons 1 & 2 on DVD Friday. I think I spent the better part of Saturday watching all the episodes. Damn that is a funny ass show. I still love South Park, but this show is great. Too bad it didn’t last longer. I see season 3 (the final one) is coming out on September 9th, so I know I’ll be buying that when it comes out.

I saw on the news that a priest was killed in prison. The first thing I thought of was a priest was giving the last rights to someone and he got killed, until I saw the full story. Now that I know the entire story I have a question. What’s the big fucking deal? This priest was a convicted child molester that molested close to 150 boys in his 30 years as a priest. Although the guy that killed him is a few beers short of a six-pack, I applaud him. This shouldn’t be a topic on news shows everywhere except to say… Look at the dead fucking priest. I think they should start throwing all these child abusers into cells with psycho maniacs. Maybe that would become a deterrent instead of the pussy ass justice system that continually fucks itself with all this lawyer bullshit. Better watch out, I might get sued.