Holiday Weekend, Fuck Mars

Another week is done. It was the pain in the ass week to, the return to work after a week of vacation. Luckily my first weekend back is a three day one. Thank you Labor Day. Last year at this time I was in a camper in Southern Wisconsin waiting to get pelted by hailstones. Ah, the memories. Not this year; can’t afford it this year with the fucking gas prices going through the roof. I would have gone on vacation, but unfortunately the loan didn’t go through. Thank God I don’t own an SUV, or I’d really be fucked.

What is the big deal about Mars? It’s another planet and we can see it. Whoopty fucking do. I saw it, it was orangish-red and it was pretty fucking small. Can I go back to bed now? If you’re into that kind of thing then have your little Mars party, but does it really deserve to be a big news story? Is the guy down at the planetarium boning Katie Couric or something? When I turn on CNN, I have come to expect to see death and destruction, not some science nerd explaining how close a planet is to us. When the fucking martians land, then you can let me know.