Burnt Out With a Capital B

Ever go through a dry time in your life when you’re just exhausted with everything? Well, I’m there. I think 90% of my problem is work although I’m not sure. Ah, who am I kidding? I’m definitely sure it’s work. I’m on day seven in a row right now. The only thing I can say is that the job is actually less stressful than my older job. There is a lot to it, and luckily I’m a very computer orientated person and I’ve been able to handle everything that’s been thrown my way. Of course if anything is wrong price wise… it’s really not my problem, because all I’m able to do is email it in to corporate and await the changes they send down. One of my biggest time consumers this last week has been our new bookkeeper. See, I don’t do books anymore, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to erase that portion of my job from my brain and now that the head bookkeeper is up in Northern Michigan on vacation and out of cell phone reach, I become the go to guy. Here’s the problem: The fill in bookkeeper was hired not too long ago and she got a whopping 5 days of training before her first weekend she was alone. Then on her first weekend, our computers crashed and she wasn’t able to use any of the technology to do anything. Let’s just say that is a hard way to being your first couple times solo. The second time she was alone was the first day of vacation for the head bookkeeper. Since she didn’t really work a lot on Sunday or Monday before there were many extra things that had to be done on those days she hadn’t been trained for. This is the part where me wishing I could have forgotten how to do books would have come in handy. I did spend the better part of Sunday and Monday in the books office showing her things she didn’t get taught. Oh well, a much bigger paycheck for me… I smell overtime!

What else is going on? Oh, I have a beard. I was pretty much the clean cut shaven guy up until sometime around 1996 or so, and then I grew a goatee. I had the goatee until about last weekend or so. I decided that since I had a few days off in a row I’d see how much I could grow in those few days. Well, I got quite a bit of facial hair going quickly and then on Sunday the 3rd I went to the beach and played football and Frisbee in the water and got a little tanned. Let’s examine the situation here. If my face is now tan and I shave off what I’ve grown, I’ll have white streaks down the side of my face… shit, I’m stuck with this for a while now. I had two of the women at work tell me they like it… unfortunately it’s the older married women.

I am still feverishly working on the 3rd Bass site trying to get it done. It’s almost gotten to the point where it feels too much like work and not like fun. Like I said earlier, I’m pretty sure most of this is work related. Give me a day off and I’ll most likely have most of the site thrown together. Actually, the biggest hold up is trying to get the menu and the flash banner looking like I want it too. Once that is done, the rest of the site should be smooth sailing. I’m thinking if I don’t get it finished by Wednesday I’ll probably upload the old site up there and then it will take a little of the pressure off.

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