Friday, May 23

So, they found the cause of SARS. A fucking cat. That was the only part of the news that I had heard this morning. After I heard the whole story about how they were eating the cats and that was the problem, I almost felt bad for doing this. Well, almost. Damn cats anyway.

So here is a question that is starting to bother me. All these new mystery diseases are starting to show up suddenly in animals we consume. Deer have Chronic Wasting Disease, cows got their Mad Cow Disease, and now cats have joined the party with SARS. Here’s the question I pose. Could this possibly be an evolutionary defense mechanism that has developed over the ages? Think about it, after hundreds of years of being raised and consumed, cows have finally had it. They can’t do anything physically about it, because hey, they’re fucking cows. So it is possible that somehow, someway that they have developed this as a defense mechanism.

On a brighter note, it’s the official start of Memorial Day Weekend and yes, I’m going to consume a lot of beef this weekend. I’m going to also eat some fucking chickens and maybe some pig. I will also be fishing and hopefully golfing. So bring on your funky diseases on, I’ll just grill them off.