Fuck Mars, I’d rather have a Snickers

Well, it finally showed up. We must have gotten at least 7″ of snow yesterday and last night. That’s nowhere near as bad as first predicted though. It started out that we were looking at upwards of 12″, so I guess what we got is better than that. The only thing that really sucks is that I still have to drive in the shit. Coming home Monday night sucked big time, because I was driving in it. This morning was a little better, but not by much. They had the roads slightly plowed, meaning there was now only one lane cleared out and the passing lane was non-existent. That figures, that is winter in Wisconsin.

What’s up with these rovers on Mars? What in the fuck do they expect to find anyway? So far all they’ve found are rocks! Let’s see, there’s no water on the planet, therefore no life. What the hell else do you think is going to turn up there? Oh look, an old Cadillac. Another waste of $820 million that this country doesn’t fucking have in the first place. Hey, let’s put some more people out of work so we can go look at some rocks on another planet. Hey fuckers, we’ve got rocks right here on Earth if you’d bother looking. For $820 million I think we could have come up with something better to do. Hey, let’s educate some people. Let’s try to stimulate the economy. Let’s go blow up another country that George Bush doesn’t like. All I’m trying to say is maybe we should take care of some of the shit on Earth before we start fucking up another planet. The rovers aren’t coming back either, so right there we’re littering on another planet. $820 million dollars worth of litter.