Give me 12″ (of snow) and make it hurt…

Here we go again. Another Sunday night, and another winter storm warning. This is serious bullshit here. I would continue to bitch about the weather, but it obviously does no good. Hey groundhog… don’t fuck up tomorrow, got it?

I was reading that J-Ho and Ben are through finally. Damn, let me get a Kleenex to wipe my tears away. You know, after all of J-Ho’s other marriages and courtships, I thought she really had something this time. I don’t really track her, but I know she was fucking Puff Daddy, or P Diddy or whatever the hell he calls himself. That lasted until she had a good record deal going for her, then suddenly she was fucking and married to Chris Judd. He was just some dancer or some shit, so I think she must have just done too much blow that day. Of course, that didn’t last too long, and last I saw Chris was a star on one of those reality shows for washed up stars. Now she’s dating Ben. Why, apparently because he was such a tremendous movie star she thought she would ride his coat tails. Hell, Daredevil was one of the best movies of last year, right? (it’s called sarcasm) I guess if you compared Daredevil to Gigli, it was the best… of the two. So, the whole movie thing didn’t work out too well, and now this is also finished. I wonder who J-Ho will be fucking next. Any takers? Is it my turn yet?

Hey, it’s the Stupid Bowl tonight. I didn’t even turn the SOB on. I don’t give a shit about it this year, not the game, not the commercials, none of it. I did see yesterday that pizza delivery was at one of its all time highs today though. Good thing I wasn’t ordering pizza today. I get slightly pissed when it isn’t here in 30 minutes. Dominoes can usually make it here, but then who wants to eat that shit anyway? Pizza Hut seems to take an additional 20 minutes, and I don’t know whether the delivery boy is pulling over somewhere jacking it or what, but they are only 3 minutes farther away from my house than Dominoes… so explain that shit.

My good friends Fat Tony and Joey Fingers are going to be paying Punxsutawney Phil a little visit today.

Let’s get one thing clear here Groundhog. You will not see your shadow this year. If you do happen to see your shadow, it’ll be the last thing you ever see. Capisce?

Now get outta here, you’re buggin’ me.