Good Riddence February

Time flies when you’re not having fun doesn’t it? February is over tonight already and it seems like it just started. I like how everyone says it’s because the month is so short but it’s only short by 2 or 3 days… depending on what month you’re comparing it to. I think if people have such a problem then maybe we should take two of these 31 day months and steal a day from each and make February a 30 day month and then maybe, just maybe people will quit their bitching. Yeah, and I’ll be winning the lottery soon too.

I’ve been super busy doing all kinds of things, I almost feel like I have ADD with a side of laziness because I seem to want to start all sorts of projects but I never get into them. Aside from all my webpage things I’m also desperately seeking a new job and I’m also looking into other options for my life, like places to live and internet services. Let’s just say it’s been hectic. Maybe that’s why I don’t type really long blogs anymore? Perhaps starting next month my head will finally get screwed on straight and I’ll be able to get everything back in order and become a productive member of society again.


  1. Um you were a productive member of society? When? I don’t recall that side of you. Anyways hope you are doing better and just think soon it shall be spring time for walks, bike rides, crusin with your fave song blasting and the windows down, oh yeah and that other boring thing you do GOLF! Oh and I think you should move to Columbus homie. As you know by news articles we have some crazy mo-fo’s here for you to write home about. Guess you could put some of it on here too hehehe.

  2. Um you were a productive member of society? When? I don’t recall that side of you. Anyways hope you are doing better and just think soon it shall be spring time for walks, bike rides, crusin with your fave song blasting and the windows down, oh yeah and that other boring thing you do GOLF! Oh and I think you should move to Columbus homie. As you know by news articles we have some crazy mo-fo’s here for you to write home about. Guess you could put some of it on here too hehehe.

  3. Being a productive member of society is highly overrated. My new goal is complete and utter sloth.
    Hope the new job thing pans out soon. New job with more money is even better. Money… money is our friend. Especially if you have enough to share. ‘Cause I take checks and all.

  4. Being a productive member of society is highly overrated. My new goal is complete and utter sloth.
    Hope the new job thing pans out soon. New job with more money is even better. Money… money is our friend. Especially if you have enough to share. ‘Cause I take checks and all.

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