Let the Begging Begin

Ah, you know it’s almost time for the holidays because every time I enter a store now, I’m bombarded by the bell ringers asking me for donations. Not only do I have to worry about them ringing the bell on my arrival and departure of the store, some places actually have the cashiers asking you if you’d like to donate as well. Isn’t that special, as if the cashier wasn’t treated shitty enough, now the stores are making beggars out of them too. Let the fuckin’ management come up front out of their precious offices and ask for handouts instead of making the poor cashier deal with this shit. It’s bad enough you’ve got stressed out customers already, but then to have to say something like…would you like to donate to “insert charity here”? That’s just asking for it if you ask me, and I think if anyone should take the heat for it, it’s the managers, not the lowly cashiers that don’t get paid enough to deal with that shit.

Speaking of not getting paid enough to deal with something; tomorrow is Black Friday. Apparently that is some magical day where stores sell products for the prices they probably should every day but hold out for one day and try to get people up way before they should wake up and put them all in the same place. Tired cranky people that are still suffering indigestion from the day before all trying to buy the same damn thing… you can’t have 30 products and 200 people wanting that without some sort of altercation happening. And where will a disgruntled human be tomorrow morning for Black Friday? My grumpy ass will be in bed hopefully sleeping while all the other retards fight the crowds and shop for deals. I don’t need an I Pod that fucking bad. Besides, I have tomorrow off with pay from work and I’m certainly not going to ruin that by having some sort of retail flashback nightmare by going straight into the battlefields of the stores.

In fact, I’m going to try and spend this four day weekend playing with my new Adobe products and try to work on a few tweaks to the sites. I know, I say that a lot and never do anything… why should this time be any different; right?

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