Monday, February 3

It snowed last night. Not the half inch flurry shit we have grown accustomed to, nope, last night we got about 8″. What a pain in the ass that was, school got canceled and everything, except I still had to go to work. How fair is that? Do you know what really pisses me off? You can’t even see the damn road, yet all these stupid assholes in their big 4×4 pickup trucks seem to think that they should still be going the 65 miles/hour they go on a normal road. Like that 4×4 means shit. Just once…JUST ONCE I’d like to see one of these high and mighty cocksuckers speed past me and go into a spin and fly off the road and land upside down. Would serve them right the fucking bastards. Them and those semi sunofabitches. They don’t stop for shit. I don’t want to see one of them go crashing because they are too big and if they do that, somehow I know I will wind up in that damn accident too. I will just sit here and cross my fingers for spring to get its ass here ASAP.