Oh My God, They Killed Kenny

What a wonderful day it is in the neighborhood. One week left, then it’s Christmas and I haven’t been here since Saturday. Lot’s of shit to discuss, let’s get to it.

#1. I didn’t win the Powerball last night, let’s plan for Saturday.
#2. Saddam is captured, so we got the guy that had nothing to do with 9/11.
#3. You sick flu bastards need to stay the hell away from me in the store, got it? I didn’t get the flu shot and therefore you need to keep your distance.
#4. South Park is done for another season, now I’m going to be doing some video editing on this machine, meaning blogs will become even more sparse.
#5. Speaking of South Park, they killed Kenny last night in the season finale. It’s about time they got back to normal dammit.
#6. This is probably the first year that I absolutely don’t need or want anything for Christmas. Damn, I am getting old.
#7. It keeps snowing more and more, and me & my Mustang are sick of it.
#8. Michael Jackson is officially charged with molestation. Well no fucking duh. Now we are going to have a super trial to pacify us through the winter since Survivor is done until next year.
#9. Oh yeah, had to mention Reality TV. You know what, Fuck Reality TV. Those cocksuckers at MTV started this shit back in the old days with The Real World, then a few years back this shit started growing like a fungus between your toes. If your life is revolving around some total stranger on a lame ass reality show, then you obviously have no life and should kill yourself.
See, now I’ve gone and gotten all pissed off over the stupidity of television. You know what else is stupid? They caught Saddam Saturday Night and I haven’t stopped hearing about it since. I know they consider it a big accomplishment in their little Haliburton project over there, but come on, what else is left to tell us? I really didn’t need to see him being checked over for fleas and watching them swab his mouth. Why didn’t they just go the whole route and shove a probe up his ass on live television? Oh yeah, they’re saving that for a private session.