What a weekend

Holy balls, there are only four more days until Christmas hits. That means on Friday I won’t have to listen to shitty Christmas music at work anymore, they will be playing the regular shitty music again. Do you know what those bastards did last Friday? I heard Rudolph two times in a row. One song got done and they started telling me that I know Dasher and Dancer all over again. I was like no shit, Gene Autry just told me that, tell me about Frosty or something but give Rudolph a rest.

Is it really Sunday? Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow? My weekend went by very quickly for some reason. Oh that’s right, because I was watching Grace (a 4 year old). We went to the theater and saw Elf last night, then came back to the house and watched Bruce Almighty. I believe I slept for roughly four total hours and then woke up and we watched The Mask, Spiderman and Dumb & Dumber today. I do believe that I am all movied out for a while. I do have to say to all single mothers and fathers out there, I have no idea how the hell you do it but congratulations; I have a newfound respect for you. I spent 24 hours with Grace and I could probably sleep until sometime Monday night. Of course now that she has gone home, it is awfully damn quiet in here. A little too quiet.

Ok, change of pace. Here are seven things that make me happy during the Holidays.

Drinking with friends
Exchanging Gifts
Eggnog (it’s awesome)
Angels on top of Christmas trees
Nativity scenes
New Years Eve