Painting sucks

Well, I’ve got 2/3’s of my painting done now. Of course since I have to go to work and stupid shit like that, I haven’t been able to finish yet. Tomorrow however is when I will end up disconnecting the computer and disassembling the computer desk and I will paint the 3rd wall. Then it will be fun time. Luckily the paint doesn’t really have much of a smell to it, so although I’m probably still inhaling harmful fumes, I don’t seem to notice. As if anyone really gives a shit, maybe I’ll post a before/after picture when it’s all done.

Hey, Cartman is winning in the polls, much like I had predicted. My site is losing a lot of hits since the link on the front of Southparkstudios is now in the archives. I will have to go there and re-iterate my site once again. Oh well, in any fashion, Cartman is kicking some major ass, and that end result is what I wanted in the first place.

My bandwidth almost hit 4GB last month when I was worried about breaking my limits. Well, I don’t have to worry any more. I just received an email yesterday from my service provider that they are upgrading all of their service packages and they are including their current customers. They are doubling my storage space and my bandwidth. That means I now have 400MB of space (of which I’m using right around 40MB) and I get 8GB of bandwidth. What does this mean? It means it’s a fucking kick ass upgrade for free. Another cool thing I found out from my service provider is I can block people from stealing my images and putting them on their sites with a link. So called leeching of images is common practice, especially on news boards across the web. This item I found on my control panel for my site lets me block any file type I want to stop people from linking to. This way if someone puts a link up to connect straight to a picture off my site, all they get is the little empty box with the red X in it. Ha ha, take that fuckers.